I am trying to restore mailbox but i am getting error in Webconsole: Browse failed due to internal web server error. Please check DM2Web.log for more details.
In the DM2WEB log on commserver i dont see any errors. When i am trying to restore from java console the option to browser and restore is grey out
Do i still need to install outlook app on the MA to browser?
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Restore to PST or recovering individual mail items requires outlook - when restoring from the Java UI try do it from the subclient or backupset level rather than an individual job.
You might have another webserver which isnt on the Commserver - otherwise hit view logs on the failing job to try pull the right logs for the job.
@Damian Andre There is no failing jobs, from Java UI i can't browser and restore because its grey out. And from webconsole i am getting error with browsing. We are using only 1 webserver on commserver.
For MS365 we are using 4 index servers both using poort 20000 to communicate.
I have attached dm2web log from commserver. But can't see anything about browsing issue.
@Damian Andre Yestoday i tryed to restore again and what i notice that
But commserver is not configurate to talk through proxy. Is that meaning that route first blokked somewhere and then trying to take alternate route trhough proxy?
and from DM2web.log attached noticed below timeout
19720 222 01/10 06:22:22 ### ### HttpUtil::HttpGetSync - Exception message sA connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (sv1759.amg.local:20000)] with status aRequestTimeout] for url http://sv1759.amg.local:20000/solr/rest/ping]
Support case may be ideal to check if there is any connectivity issues between index server/webserver , and reviewing index server side for configuration as JVM is 4096 MB can be increased one such factor.