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We are trying to move a mount path to a new media agent, but it’s failing ever since we stopped the job. The disk became full resulting the data migration job being stuck for weeks, so we stopped the job and freed up space. However, every time we try to restart the mount path move it fails.

We did the following to troubleshoot:

  • Run disk defragmentation
  • Verify disk and mouth path are online
  • Validate mouth path
  • Verify no disk maintenance task is running
  • General sanity checks


The error that we get is:

Move Mount Path Job Failed, Reason : The mount path is under maintenance and hence cannot proceed with the move operation. Source: <MediaAgentName>, Process: LibraryOperation


Can anyone tell how to fix this error? How do we get Commvault to see that the disk is not in maintenance mode?

Hi Omar,

Kindly check if there are any other jobs running for mount path movement , you may see below lines written in log file , If yes kindly suspend Job under Job controller and try to initiate new one verify.

CvLibraryOperation::doMountPathRefreshPrePhase() - Another mount path move job

What is current service pack and commcell version, PFB details on verify disk status

From the CommCell Browser, expand to Storage Resources | Libraries. Right-click the appropriate library, and then click Disk Library Maintenance. From the Disk Library Maintenance dialog box, If there is Check box beside the appropriate mount paths. Then maintenance is selected.

@Omar ,  have you had a chance to review @Pradeep ‘s suggestions?

Hi @Pradeep and @Mike Struening - Apologies for the delayed response.


I’m running 11.20.9, I do see the error you mentioned in the logs but there’s not job with that event ID.

Also, the instructions on how to view whether or not the disk is under maintenance is slightly different for me, unless I’m checking the wrong place. When I select the library > Properties, I see that Mark Library Offline for Maintenance isn’t selected.

@Omar , can you share a screenshot of what options you see?

Check these directions:

I think you are looking at this section:

@Mike Struening  I had done that to defrag the disk when I realized I could no longer move. it.


I have also checked again and verified that the disk is not marked for maintenance.

@Omar , you may be better off opening a case at this point….this is definitely an odd one.

Can you share the case number once created so I can follow up?

@Omar , did you open an incident for this or resolve it on your own?  Can you share the case number or solution?


@Omar , following up before closing this off.  Did you open an incident for this or resolve it on your own?  Can you share the case number or solution?

