Since the other thread was stated as solved I’ll start a new one.
From What I understand the Network Throttling on the media agent only effects backup jobs, not Aux copies jobs bandwidth.
There is an option to limit the Aux copy bandwidth usage by setting the Advanced setting "Throttle Network Bandwidth(MB/HR)" on the stg policy copy.
Unfortunately that effects the usage all day as there is no possibility to set it per time interval.
I have two Aux Copy jobs running for two different Storage Policy copies with the setting for bandwidth limitation set to 5000 MB/HR which is roughly 11 Mbit/s.
So running two of those shouldn't use more then 22 Mbit/s.
Looking at the Current Through put they are 3,92 GB/hr and 2,97 GB/hr in Comccell console. Those combined gives 6,89 GB/hr roughly 15 Mbit/s. I understand that it's not 100% accurate as the data is deduplicated.
But looking at our monitoring I see two streams going to Azure one using 30 Mb/s and the other at 20 Mb/s.
In fact the Aux copies tend to max out the bandwidth at times even when they should be capped.
Anyone else experienced this?
If I'm wrong with all the translations between entities please let me know. I used this web site,, to do the conversions.