Hello @Abdul Wajid ,
My apologies for the delay, the option “Exclude Immediate Jobs” may not be available depending on which Service Pack your on.
It is possible that if your throttling up to 200 Mbps from 100 and your not getting to 200 Mbps then it could be that its because when we throttle via client we have to use only one connection which is the only way we can accurately throttle. If the network cannot reach 200 Mbps with 1 connection then we would not be able to achieve those speeds with client network throttling.
When your monitoring the throttling, Are you going by speeds in the GUI or via the OS/Network? As if within the GUI and deduplication is enabled, those speeds may seem higher even with throttling due to the calculations with deduplication not sending duplicated data across which skews the numbers.
If your not seeing the numbers go down within the network/OS when throttling down from 200 to 100 Mbps then their is a possibility of being an issue. The way you have it setup to change at different times should adhere but if it does not then it may be best to reach out to our Support Team directly and to further investigate why the throttling rules are not being followed.
Thank You