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problem with Aux copy job Failedi have [13:138] [40:91] [40:65]

  • 29 December 2022
  • 14 replies

i have next problem


Aux copy job Failed
Job Management - Auxiliary Copy
Detected Criteria:
Job Failed
Is escalated:

Detected Time:
Wed Dec 28 23:42:51 2022
Job ID:
Storage Policy Name:
Copy Name:
Start Time:
Wed Dec 28 23:00:11 2022
Scheduled Time:
Wed Dec 28 23:00:08 2022
End Time:
Wed Dec 28 23:42:51 2022
Error Code:
>13:138] 40:91] 40:65]
Failure Reason:
Error occurred while processing chunk 245216] in media V_845], at the time of error in library RezervnaKopija] and mount path [CommServe] \\\RezervnaKopija], for storage policy CommServeDR] copy Secondary] MediaAgent CommServe]: Backup Job 62773]. Cannot impersonate user. User credentials provided for disk mount path access may be incorrect. Failed to Copy or verify Chunk 245216] in media CV_MAGNETIC], Storage Policy CommServeDR], Copy Primary], Host DRI-COMMVAULT.dri.local], Path \\\RezervnaKopija\MX19RW_07.26.2022_08.59\CV_MAGNETIC\V_845], File Number 1], Backup Jobs 62773]. Cannot impersonate user. User credentials provided for disk mount path access may be incorrect. Cannot impersonate user. User credentials provided for disk mount path access may be incorrect. Error occurred in Disk Media, Path \\\RezervnaKopija\MX19RW_07.26.2022_08.59\CV_MAGNETIC\V_845] Cannot impersonate user. User credentials provided for disk mount path access may be incorrect.]. For more help, please call your vendor's support hotline.
Copied data size:
0 Bytes

what  i do.

14 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Good morning.  Can you please verify that the credentials provided in the mount path properties are correct?


Badge +3

where i check this option?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

In the properties of the mount path, you will see a sharing tab.  Do you see any credentials set there:



Badge +3

yes, the credentials exist on this location


Userlevel 4
Badge +10

@gogi100 can you re-enter the credentials for the account in question here? And then restart the Commvault services on the Media Agent, and re-try the Aux copy.

If the job is still having the same errors with the credentials, try to map a network drive from the Media Agent in Windows File Explorer to the path \\\RezervnaKopija and specify the option to connect using different credentials. Input the same credentials as above in Commvault and let me know if you are able to connect. Thanks

Badge +3

Commvault services on the Media Agent


where is this option, on which location?

Badge +3

i noticed next


example of V_846

in error it’s displays chunk V_845

Userlevel 3
Badge +11

Can you try skipping the Job and rerunning the aux copy? Is that working?

Another thing to verify chunk integrity is run a Data Verification job. 


Badge +3

i cannot stop the aux copy job, how i start the aux job againg?

Userlevel 3
Badge +11

@gogi100 : Run a DV job, let us know the status.

Like other pointed out it looks like a credentials/access issue. Have you tried Matt Medvedeff  suggestion ?


Badge +5



Is this thread resolved , if so what is the resolution ?

now I see the same issue in my environment after I upgrade to 11.28 only ?



Badge +3

this problem is not resolved.

Badge +3

my commvault is upgraded on the version 11.28.36

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

this problem is not resolved.

Hey @gogi100,

There may be something more complex going on - its a usually simple error where the username and password is wrong causing the issue - but if that has been verified as OK it can be complex to figure out the issue - including an issue on the SMB side denying the connection for some reason. I would suggest opening a support case at this point if the steps Matt provided did not resolve it.
