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Restore from tape of a closed site

  • 14 July 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, one of my site has been closed. I took the last backup tapes from this site and put them in a tape library of current site.

how can I restore (a VM in this instance) from the tapes of the old site while they are in the library of the current site?

now the tapes from the old site are marked with no entrance sign

Hi @Eldan 

Thanks for the question.

The issue with the tapes is probably due to export/import process not being performed.

When you need to remove tapes from a library, they need to be exported so they can be marked as removed and can be tracked in other physical locations.

If you need to use these tapes in another location or library, you will need to import them into the other library.

Export Media

Import Media


