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Hi Community,


Recently we acquired an Object storage library, which is compatible with CV (Oceanstore 100D), I was wondering how should it be configured.

Should it be configured as a cloud library ? How can it be mapped to our MA ?

Sorry if these questions may sound a bit silly, am a nooby regarding object storage, am only used to the classic NAS/SAN storage.


Any step by step recommendations would be much appreciated to get a better understanding.


Best regards.

Hi @Commvault Engineer ,

The Commserve does not need to access the storage. 

This information is required because the Commserve registers all the storage, accounts, libraries (etc) configuration in its database.

And, as an example, if you later add another MediaAgent and want this new MA to access this Cloud Library, this is an operation you would do from the Commserve : share mount path of the library. This would allow the Commserve to push the credentials and cloud library information to this new MA, so it would be able to use it.


Hi @Commvault Engineer ,

The Commserve does not need to access the storage. 

This information is required because the Commserve registers all the storage, accounts, libraries (etc) configuration in its database.

And, as an example, if you later add another MediaAgent and want this new MA to access this Cloud Library, this is an operation you would do from the Commserve : share mount path of the library. This would allow the Commserve to push the credentials and cloud library information to this new MA, so it would be able to use it.


Thanks a lot for your feedback, Laurent.

OceanStor 100D is an S3 compatible object store.


You can check the below documentation link to configure the cloud library for S3 compatible object storage.


MediaAgent that will be used can be selected during the configuration of cloud library.





Hi !

S3 compatible storage in Commvault is considered as Cloud storage.

So, although you would consider it as a DiskLibrary, you would not find it in your DL list, but in your Cloud storage list.

To add it, if it’s already configured, and ready to use, you would need to have the MA you’ll configure this library for (and would expand/share it to other MAs easily after), the Service Host to reach (ip/hostname of your array in S3 mode), the credentials used to access it, and the bucket you would write to.

And then you’re in ! 😎

Hi !

S3 compatible storage in Commvault is considered as Cloud storage.

So, although you would consider it as a DiskLibrary, you would not find it in your DL list, but in your Cloud storage list.

To add it, if it’s already configured, and ready to use, you would need to have the MA you’ll configure this library for (and would expand/share it to other MAs easily after), the Service Host to reach (ip/hostname of your array in S3 mode), the credentials used to access it, and the bucket you would write to.

And then you’re in ! 😎

Merci Laurent :)

Hi !

S3 compatible storage in Commvault is considered as Cloud storage.

So, although you would consider it as a DiskLibrary, you would not find it in your DL list, but in your Cloud storage list.

To add it, if it’s already configured, and ready to use, you would need to have the MA you’ll configure this library for (and would expand/share it to other MAs easily after), the Service Host to reach (ip/hostname of your array in S3 mode), the credentials used to access it, and the bucket you would write to.

And then you’re in ! 😎

Hi Laurent, thanks again for your feedback, and had one last question, when adding the cloud storage on the CommServe, you have to enter the Storage specific information (like the : Service Host), does the CommServe need to have access to the storage ? Since we are aiming to only allow the MA to have access to the storage.


Kind regards.