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Hi Support Team,


We are running backups daily, weekly and monthly to disk library. Now we are going to take secondary copy in to tape with three tape drives. 


So, The requirement is Weekly Full Backup for Database Servers and Monthly Backup for File server and application servers.


Weekly backups need to take tape like First Week backup for week-1 Tape, Second Week backup for week-2 tape, Third week backup for week-3 tape, Fourth week backup for week-4 tape and Fifth week backup for week-5 Tape.

Monthly backups need to take dedicated Monthly tape.


Also Two tape drive for dedicated to backup and another one for restore purpose.


Could you please help us how to achieve and its possible. Thanks





  • create dedicated spare media group 
  • create drive pool or restrict number of device stream at storage policy level, so one drive will be dedicated to restores 
  • schedule policy →  advanced backup option : 


Dear @lborek,


As you mentioned screenshot Type is data protection but I am looking for Auxiliaries copy.

Where I could not find the such options. 




Storage policy copy → General/Default Destination or Data Path?


But I’m not quite sure if “selective copies” allows to select week-X jobs, so you can select correct media group. It can be tricky. 

Dear Team,


Could you please help us for below point.


Weekly backups need to take tape like First Week backup for week-1 Tape, Second Week backup for week-2 tape, Third week backup for week-3 tape, Fourth week backup for week-4 tape and Fifth week backup for week-5 Tape.




Dear @Mike Struening,

your input please




Storage policy copy → General/Default Destination or Data Path?


But I’m not quite sure if “selective copies” allows to select week-X jobs, so you can select correct media group. It can be tricky. 

Could you please help us for below point.


Weekly backups need to take tape like First Week backup for week-1 Tape, Second Week backup for week-2 tape, Third week backup for week-3 tape, Fourth week backup for week-4 tape and Fifth week backup for week-5 Tape.

@Mani Devaraj @ManiD ,


What you are asking for cannot be achieved with a single Secondary Copy.

Hi Support Team,


We are running backups daily, weekly and monthly to disk library. Now we are going to take secondary copy in to tape with three tape drives. 


So, The requirement is Weekly Full Backup for Database Servers and Monthly Backup for File server and application servers.


Weekly backups need to take tape like First Week backup for week-1 Tape, Second Week backup for week-2 tape, Third week backup for week-3 tape, Fourth week backup for week-4 tape and Fifth week backup for week-5 Tape.

Monthly backups need to take dedicated Monthly tape.


Also Two tape drive for dedicated to backup and another one for restore purpose.


Could you please help us how to achieve and its possible. Thanks






For the Weekly Full Backup for Database Servers and Monthly Backup for File server and application servers, you would need separate selective copies;

  1. Primary
  2. Weekly DB Fulls
    1. only assocaite your DB Clients with this copy
    2. Create a selection criteria that picks weekly fulls
  3. Monthly Fulls
    1. Only associate your FS/App Clients with this copy
    2. Create a selection criteria for the Monthly Fulls

The Aux Copies can be scheduled separetly to run once a week and month, respectively OR you can run them both at the same time, they will only copy jobs that meet the selection criteria anyway.


For this request:
Weekly backups need to take tape like First Week backup for week-1 Tape, Second Week backup for week-2 tape, Third week backup for week-3 tape, Fourth week backup for week-4 tape and Fifth week backup for week-5 Tape.


Do you have dedicated media for each week or do you need to ensure that each week is on separate media to allow weekly media to be sent offsite?

If you only need to ensure weekly data is separated, you can use the option to ‘Mark Media Full’ on your weekly schedule, to ensure it does not get reused and contain more than 1 week of data on it.

Unfortunately, if you have specific media for each week, than there is no easy way to achieve the outcome you’re after as its not a feature built into the product.



Dear @jgeorges,

Appreciated your support,


Do you have dedicated media for each week or do you need to ensure that each week is on separate media to allow weekly media to be sent offsite?

We have 5 dedicated media for weekly Aux copy (Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5) need to rotate every week in a month


If you only need to ensure weekly data is separated, you can use the option to ‘Mark Media Full’ on your weekly schedule, to ensure it does not get reused and contain more than 1 week of data on it.

As you mentioned ‘Mark media full’ on weekly Aux copy schedule level. So, The Aux copy job completed for Week1 the media will mark as full and then week2 aux copy will pick another media automatically?





Hi @ManiD 


As you mentioned ‘Mark media full’ on weekly Aux copy schedule level. So, The Aux copy job completed for Week1 the media will mark as full and then week2 aux copy will pick another media automatically?




Correct, lets say you have 5 days labaled 000001L5, 000002L5, 000003L5, 000004L5, 000005L5.
On week one, the Aux Copy runs and moved data to 000001L5. On Completion, it marks it full.
On week two, we cannot use 000001L5, however we can use any of the 4 remaining tapes so we may write to 000004L5. At the end of the copy, the media is marked full.

On week three we will choose from 000002L5, 000003L5 and 000005L5.


We cannot dictate that Week 1 uses Tape 1, and Week 2 uses tape 2 etc, but we can ensure data from week to week are not mixed together on a single tape.

If you create separate selective copies with separate scratch pools for each week, with a separate selective criteria, you may be able to have each week write to a specific tape, but to achieve this you would need:
5 Selective Aux Copies, 5 separate storage pools each with a separate scratch pool. The scratch pools need to have the the media assigned or barcode patterns created to assign them. You would need unique selective rules for each copy, and if done correctly just a single schedule would work okay.

If you are on an older Platform Release, you can forego Storage Pools and associate each copy directly to the library with 5 different Scratch Pools.



Dear @jgeorges,


Appreciated. I am grateful for your support.


Final question, multiple storage policies aux copy like FS, DB, VM will write single Media ( Week1 - 00001L5 ) right. 


We are using V11 SP 32 commvault software.


As you mentioned like, If you create separate selective copies with separate scratch pools for each week, with a separate selective criteria, you may be able to have each week write to a specific tape, but to achieve this you would need:
5 Selective Aux Copies, 5 separate storage pools each with a separate scratch pool. The scratch pools need to have the the media assigned or barcode patterns created to assign them. You would need unique selective rules for each copy, and if done correctly just a single schedule would work okay.


Is there any kb article or documents please provide. Thanks






Hi @ManiD 


Final question, multiple storage policies aux copy like FS, DB, VM will write single Media ( Week1 - 00001L5 ) right. 

If you are using Global Secondary copies, yes. Though I’m not sure what limitations you may meet when combining all of the above to meet your requirements.


Is there any kb article or documents please provide. Thanks


This is not a common solution or requirement, so you’ll not find any documentation or KB to architect this for you. Most environments will have Weekly tapes and allow Commvault to manage the media fully (Meaning, we will use tapes as we need, and recall them when ready, no unique barcode is required).


