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I have a shared tape library, used by the “old” and the “new” commvault environment. The “new” is Hyperscale.


I want the “new” to use only tapes with a barcodes prefoxed with ‘NP’ and the “old” to use everything else but not ‘NP’. Hopefully, that makes sense!


Question: How is this achievable?



Hi @LaurenceB 

Thanks for the question, here are some documentation links to take you through the process of sharing the tape library across CommCells with separate barcode ranges:

Library and Drive Sharing Across CommCells - Overview

Share Library

This section notes where the barcode ranges are specified:


  • When you perform an Import Media operation, the media associated with barcode(s) that are specified in the Barcode Range will be imported into slots assigned in the Slot Range for this CommServe.

  • Use a dash to specify range and commas to delimit ranges. For example, 000065-000165,000167,000170-000199.

  • Barcodes specified in the Barcode Range box must be unique and cannot be shared with any other CommCell.



I have also found details on how to import media by pattern, which may also help here:
Media by Barcodes


