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I’m trying to do some math over effects of changing 2:nd copy to be stored on immutable volumes in azure.

I have retention of 365 days, currently no seal of db database but seems recommendation is 180 days. According to the formula in another post, that would give me that I should have 545 days as immutable days on the storage volume.

Our baseline is 18TB.
Since there is 18TB as baseline and there will be 3 seals of the DDB, does that mean that I will add 3 times 18TB to the volume since no data pruning will happen for 545 days?


Hey @Henke !  A lot of that depends on your rate of change, so when you see the 18 TB baseline in the gui, it is likely padding it a bit to account for that data change.

However, assume you will have 3 stores max, though as the 3rd starts up, the first will start to age out (whether the rate of deletion matches the rate of creation is unknown).

Now, your mileage may vary as few things are truly static in the world of data (sizing), but I would say your estimates are as accurate as can be.

If you want, set up a test subclient and reduce all your retention/sealing days by 1/52 (so instead of a full year, set 7 days, etc.).  Monitor the sizes, baseline estimates, and number of stores and you’ll get your answer.
