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what are the password complexity rules for a mount paths service account?

  • May 11, 2022
  • 1 reply




we had a services engineer create a new mount path using special caracters for the services account.

how ever it gave an error when trying to login, that there where insufficient permissions.

they only changed was the password to be less complex (just basic caracters) so there are expecting they used a caracter that is not supported.

i checked the docs and i could not find articles stating this for the a Mount path.


i was able to find ones for Commserve livesync and other components.

do the same rules apply to a mount path service account?


Kind Regards,


Thos Gieskes.

Best answer by Matt Medvedeff

Is the service account in question a Windows AD account or is it a local NAS/Storage account?

There’s no password complexity enforced on the Mount Path user. The user is authenticated against AD or the storage OS, and the complexity requirements is inherited from whoever is doing the authentication. 

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Is the service account in question a Windows AD account or is it a local NAS/Storage account?

There’s no password complexity enforced on the Mount Path user. The user is authenticated against AD or the storage OS, and the complexity requirements is inherited from whoever is doing the authentication. 

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