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Hi Community,

We are planning to convert our production environment’s DDBv4 to DDBv5, but in our test environment, all our media agents are in DDBv5. As the DDBv5 comes from the version 11.14, i am searching for a media kit package older than SP14 in order to test and validate.

Is there Anywhere i can download a mediakit older than SP14 which is not available in commvault store ? 

Thanks in advance.

@sauvegarde - SP14 is the older service pack and it’s a deprecated one. 


I would recommend you to upgrade your environment at least to SP16. 

Hi Arunkumar,

Thank you for the reply, my environment is under 11.28. For the cross test purpose, i would like to install a media agent older than SP14.

Do you know where i can download the package?




Hi @sauvegarde ,


No environment should remain on anything lower than one of the supported releases;

> For LTS - SP16, FR20, FR24, 2022E(FR28) or 2023E(FR32)

> For Innovation Releases - 2023(FR30)


If you still run an environment on anything older, we strongly suggest to upgrade it to a supported version.


Could you provide further details of which test will require an MA on a version over 5 years old please?

Hi @Javier,

thank you for your inputs.

In our production environnement, i ran the workflow “ConvertDDBv5” and it says some of our DDB requires and upgrade. For that, i have to do the perfomance test in a testing environment hence i need an old version just for testing purpose.

Also we would like to compare the performance of a DDBv4 and DDBv5, with and without garbage collection option.

Thank you

Thank you for giving us further insights @sauvegarde 


As previously mentioned, any version older that FR30 or the supported LTS releases, is considered EOL and therefore should not be taking into account when comparing features/performance.

Thank you @Javier.

I understand that, but i want to know is there any software archive section where i can download the older versions?

Thank you

Best Regards

Hi @sauvegarde,

I am afraid there is no archive section. Versions older than SP14 cannot be downloaded.


I am afraid there is no archive section. Versions older than SP14 cannot be downloaded.


Oh ok… thank you @Javier for the confirmation.


Sorry i have clicked “Best Answer” on my message by mistake which i cannot change.
