Hey everyone.
our Commvault FR24 customer has purchased a number of cloud licenses based on the “active users” in their tenant admin. Our understanding is that “active users” is what is counted. Period.
However, we see that way more licenses are being consumed (about 30%). Only SPO and O4B are in use and backed up, EO is not used.
In the CV web based license report there are licensed users listed for OneDrive, that have a backup size of 0 Bytes. These unique users are not “active” users in M365. They do not consume O4B storage, in fact O4B is disallowed in M365 for these users.
When the backup is browsed we see one top folder (My Drive) with no content.
There is only M365, no other SaaS like SFDC. My understanding is that a for all M365 workloads one unique user consumes one license.
Is there a reliable and understandable way to find out beforehand, how many user based licenses need to be purchesed? That would include a way to show that a user that has been deactivated for > 1 year, which consumes no M365 license, and where onedrive is not set up, still consumes a license.
I’ve found another thread here with a ps command:
I’m not certain, though, as this is focussing on SPO only.