I'm trying to assemble a list, for customer billing based on companies, of unique client object who are protected by all forms of protection methods. So think of application-level, file-system-level and VM-level and all within the scope of a company.
So I though this would be an easy walk in the park by enumerating views:
- Lic_CUR_ProtectedVMs_vw - to retrieve a list of VMs who are protected on VM-level
- Lic_CUR_VOIs_vw - to retrieve a list of VM's who are protected using an agent.
I would then make sure to filter out the duplicatie objects (I will have to do some filtering machine as I'm already noticing duplicate client computer with an _ in their names) and to remove the clients from the output of Lic_CUR_VOIs_vw who exist in the output of Lic_CUR_ProtectedVMs_vw because I want to make sure we capture all VMs running on an on-premise cloud platform which doesn't support VM-level protection.
Now I'm running into an issue in where the output of Lic_CUR_VOIs_vw is not showing clients who I would have expected to show-up. Those are protected on VM-level and via an agent.
Can someone point me in the right direction??
In addition it would be really helpful if you could create some documentation on the newly added CommCell views. The list currently has grown substantially and https://documentation.commvault.com/11.24/expert/5521_available_commcell_views.html is still not showing any of the newly added views.