When I use the rest API : {{ServerUrl}}/VM to get all the VM’s state, I have different result from console interface.
Part of result for one VM : dvbvcnsxeu0e002
"type": 9,
"vmStatus": 2,
"slaStatus": 2,
"subclientId": 2158,
"name": "dvbvcnsxeu0e002",
"storagepolicyName": "IN_NTR_CIT_GRID_A01_A01_STD",
"slaCategory": 4,
"latestBackupTimeCatalogedSuccessfully": 0,
"isIndexingV2": false,
"vmBackupJob": 0,
"strOSName": "Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) ",
"isDeleted": false,
"osType": 2,
"slaCategoryDescription": "No Schedule",
"retireClientPhase": 0,
"isContentIndexded": false,
"isBackupAllowed": true,
"vmHardwareVer": "vmx-13",
"strGUID": "50335735-240e-0201-6b4f-e2c0dcdc1e51",
"subclientName": "default",
"vsaSubClientEntity": {
"backupsetId": 575,
"subclientId": 2158,
"subclientName": "default",
"entityInfo": {
"companyId": 0,
"companyName": "",
"multiCommcellId": 0
"client": {
"clientId": 935,
"clientName": "dvbvcnsxeu0e002",
"displayName": "dvbvcnsxeu0e002",
"entityInfo": {
"companyId": 0,
"companyName": "",
"multiCommcellId": 0
"lastBackupJobInfo": {
"jobID": 101677,
"commCellID": 2,
"failureReasonMessageEnglish": "",
"status": 1,
"startTime": {
"time": 1652112203,
"entityInfo": {
"companyId": 0,
"companyName": "",
"multiCommcellId": 0
"endTime": {
"time": 1652112329,
"entityInfo": {
"companyId": 0,
"companyName": "",
"multiCommcellId": 0
As you can see, the last job backup info status give us : "jobID": 101677
, with "status": 1
But in the console, the only job I have is :

The backup jobid is 101828 and not the same with the API . In the other hand, the backup jobid from APi 101677 is unknown into console (righ click on commcell name / view / job history with aged option).
So my questions are :
- Why there are not the same ?
- Can you give me all the status value/signification for “lastbackupjobinfo” struct ?
- Why
"vmBackupJob": 0
I hope here a valid value
From you documentation,

The field vmstatus meaning : “the status of the backup for virtual machine” , and the value “2” mean “in progress”. But this still completed since May.