Hello team,
I have actually multiple accounts on AWS
1 commserve is hosted on premise
1 commserve is on AWS (standby)
Actually I have 2 media agents located in an account name common account (VPC Account)
Also I have some other AWS accounts that use the Media agents located in the common account to backup the data (Intellisnap API + agents)
we use the assume role to allow clients from others accounts to use the common media Agents that are located on the Common account.
We have also 2 other media agents that are located on another account but they were used for test.
goal :
as the environment is already qualified we prefer to use the existing test Media agent to avoid to create new ones with new IP address in the Common account
I want to increase the existing Gridstor located in the common AWS account with the Media Agents located in the test Account to get more performance
We will have 2 media agent located on a VPC and 2 other located in another VPC but on the same gridstor
also a question about how mediaAgents share their dedup database. When the Media agents are in the same VPC no problem but when the media agents are located on other accounts ? I think it’s not good for performance because dedup trafic pass through firewall ?
Sorry for this quick diagram

thanks !