LLL wrote:
Hi Michael
Using your link i was able to modify the content of the subclient.
Is it possible to add multiple content path using the switch -content/path <path> or is it one path per command?
For example
qoperation execute -af update_subclient_add_template.xml -clientName Test1 -subclientName SubTest1 -contentOperationType ADD -content/path '/Test1/SubTest2/BackupFile','/Test1/SubTest2/BackupFile2'
Hi @LLL,
The qoperation command does not support multiple paths at once, so you’d have to run it several times to achieve all the paths you need.
Alternatively, if you would like to add multiple paths for the sub-client contents with a single command you can use qoperation exec instead, and provide an XML input file. You will need to do so by modifying the XML directly as mentioned in the documentation here:
You can specify multiple paths to your subclient content as shown in the following example:
<path>C:\Documents and Settings</path>