Hello Commvault Community :)
I’m trying to set-up backup for GlusterFS. I have v11FR22 (11.22.17). On sub-client level I can do “discover” and I’m able “to see” GlusterFS resources, but I can not backup them. During backup I have error message:
“glusterfind command could not be executed on host : [localhost] volume : [/mnt/gv06-sec/] due to error : [Function failed during execution. (ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED.1627), glusterfind command failed. Gluster scan will not be performed. error protocol error: file name does not match request (W32.1627)]”
and in logs files I found:
“Error=[0x8007065B:{CGlusterScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(1178)} + {CGlusterScanEngine::ProcessScanVolume(1639)/RunCommand(scp root@localhost:/tmp/GlusterCollect[hostname]_{simpana-device-00-045-1}_4715548.cvf /opt/hds/hds/iDataAgent/jobResults/2/5726/{simpana-device-00-045-1}_0_4715548.cvf) failed} + {CGlusterScanEngine::RunCommand(1728)/W32.1627.(Function failed during execution. (ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED.1627))-glusterfind command failed. Gluster scan will not be performed. error protocol error: filename does not match request”
GlusterFS is configured on RedHat 8, and it is my access node for GlusterFS pseudo-client. I have keyless ssh enabled and it works from command line.
I found information: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1722229:
“I think this is caused by the fix for CVE-2019-6111. In this case, the problem are the apostrophes around the filaname.”
I check that - there are “apostrophes around the filanames”:
cd /tmp
ls -ltr
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 49443 May 11 18:36 'GlusterCollect[hostname_{simpana-device-00-045-1}_4713351.cvf'
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 27468 May 11 18:46 'GlusterCollect[hostname]_{simpana-device-00-047-1}_4713333.cvf'
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 49307 May 12 12:13 'GlusterCollect[hostname_{simpana-device-00-045-1}_4715548.cvf'
And maybe this is a problem… I’m not sure...
Does any one faced with this kind of problem and could help how to resolve it ?
Many thanks in advance :)