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Activity report is showing no data

  • January 12, 2023
  • 6 replies


CS is on 11.28 and metric server is on 11.24

Since CS is updated to 11.28 , activity report is showing no data on metric server and even on CS webconsole as well. 

We are seeing below DB table error:


11168 2bb8 01/05 03:20:14 ### GenerateXML() - [MetricsPrivate] RptCommservSurveyProc failed with error [INFO: [Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'RptSurveyLog_LogDate_QueryId_MetricsType_PK'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.RptSurveyLog'. The duplicate key value is (1672932014, 2, 4).] [RecNum:1, State:23000, NativeErr:2627, Proc:RptCommservSurvey, RowNum:1, Severity:14, LineNum:62, Spid:89] INFO: [The statement has been terminated.] [RecNum:2, LineNum:62, Spid:89] ]]... Proceeding with next survey... 11168 2bb8 01/05 03:21:15 ### GenerateXML() - [MetricsPrivate] RptCommservSurveyProc failed with error [INFO: [The UPDATE permission was denied on the object 'GXGlobalParam', database 'CommServ', schema 'dbo'.] [RecNum:1, State:42000, NativeErr:229, RowNum:1, Severity:14, LineNum:1260, Spid:89] ]]... Proceeding with next survey...

Support asked to get metric server also updated to 11.28. We are aware of metric server must be on higher version than reporting  CSs. But looking for any work around we have to fix this issue.


6 replies


Hi Arvind,

unfortunately, there is no workaround. Since FR20 it is not supported anymore to run the Metrics Server on a lower Feature Release than the CommServe. Metrics Server must be on the same or higher Feature Release than associated CommServes.

Please upgrade the Metrics Server to 11.28 as advised by Support.




  • Bit
  • 1 reply
  • January 13, 2023

Check SQL server version as well, SQL has to be the same version on both CS and PM server 

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 7 replies
  • January 16, 2023

on CS its on 2019 and on PM its on 2016.

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 7 replies
  • January 26, 2023

For Cloud upload - its going fine.

We can see correct activity report on CV cloud portal. 

Can we do workaround as below ?

  1. Flush all the downloaded scripts from private folder - C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\CommservSurvey\private\downloads\sqlscripts\Activity.
  1. Copy all downloaded SQL scripts for Activity report from public folder C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\CommservSurvey\public\downloads\SQLScripts\Activity to private folder C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\CommservSurvey\private\downloads\sqlscripts\Activity.

Will this help to use SQL scripts which were downloaded from CV cloud metric server and which we manually copied over to private folder to gather correct activity report data ?

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 7 replies
  • January 26, 2023

Which will not require private metric server to be updated.


Hi Arvind,

the reason why Cloud Upload is fine is that the Cloud Metrics Server is allways updated to the latest release. Its currently on CPR 2023 (11.30) as far as I know, so it meets the requirement for Metrics Server being on same or higher release than uploading CommServes.

Regarding your question:

Apart from the fact that it is not supported to manually copy scripts, it will most probably not help you anyway because the issue is with the different structure in XML files and different CommServe database structure, which the Metrics Server on earlier release doesn’t understand. That’s the reason why you don’t see any data in the report.


What is the reason that you cannot upgrade your Metrics Server? That shouldn’t be a big deal.


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