I need to put this out there as this has been pointed out to me in a support case, as I was told I was running an unsupported configuration for 1-touch backups
My unsupported configuration? Running RHEL8.9.
Yes, running a fully patched version of RHEL is currently unsupported for 1-touch backup.
So I’m running 11.32.49, and here is the supported list of versions (the chart is the same for 11.34) link here

Now here is the thing about this - RHEL8.7 was superseded by RHEL8.8 May 2023, which was superseded by RHEL8.9 November 2023. Release dates here
So 1-touch backups for a RHEL8 fully patched system have been unsupported by Commvault since May 2023. If you look at that support list only RHEL8.6 with Extended Update Support is currently supported by both Commvault and Redhat (Red Had info here)
It’s even worse if you look at the RHEL9 info. RHEL9.0 was superseded by RHEL9.1 in November 2022 (and superseded up to RHEL9.3 as of now). So no version of RHEL9 is actually currently supported for 1-touch.
As my case was related to RHEL8, I was told that RHEL8.8/8.9 support is planned for 11.36. Which doesn’t even cover that fact that this month RHEL8.10 is likely to be released. And that was “planned”, not that the support “will” be included.
I keep seeing all these emails about the new features that Commvault is developing. It appears that they have forgotten the basics - backup. 1-Touch/Bare Metal Recovery is one of the most basic functions I expect of a backup platform.
I’ve already reached out to my SE to make them aware of this. I suggest that if you require 1-touch and are RHEL shop that you make noise and get this attention. It is ridiculous that the OS support is over a year behind.