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Backup of NFS mount path from the Client




Is it possible to backup the NFS drive mounted from the Client. I tried to add mount path in the subclient properties under content tab. Then run the backup but its failed.


If possible what is the proper way to backup the nfs mount path from the Client.

Best answer by SparshGupta

Hi @r0lansaad 


You don’t need to add “ignoreFStype” key if the NFS path is directly specified as subclient content.


I could see that, 899 items (including files & folders), qualified for backup for this job. “/tmp” seems to have only 572 sample count, so others might be from “/ISDP_agents”


#1 - Did the job complete successfully?

#2 - Can you please share the jobresults directory “/ISDP_agents/commvault/JobResults/2/574”?

#3 - Do you see any Failures count for the job?

#4 - Does browse and restore not show any files under “/ISDP_agents”?

#5 - Could you please share output of “mount” command?




FileScan.log -


22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 skipFS::GetFsType(581) - add fstype 'nfs' for '/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent' to cache (dev_key:17)
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::ConfigureWorkersCount(2500) - MaxScanThreads is 15 but only 2 WorkUnits available. Restting MaxScanThreads to 2
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::AssignWorkersCountForWorkUnit(2669) - Encountered NFS[1] Gluster[0] Lustre[0] Mounts
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::AssignWorkersCountForWorkUnit(2679) - iMaxFolderLevelThreadsForNfsVol [14], iMaxFolderLevelThreadsPerNfsVol [14], iRemainder [0]


22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CFindFirstScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(419) - Will scan local folder [/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent] for source path [/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent]
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CFindFirstScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(478) - ProcessTopLevelContent (/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent)



22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(325) - ----------------- Total Volume Time Taken ------------------
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(334) - Volume[/] : Time : 0:00.162968 Samples : 572, 0:00.000284 average, 3509/second
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(334) - Volume[/ISDP_agents/] : Time : 0:00.013969 Samples : 368, 0:00.000037 average, 26343/second


22366 575e 05/11 13:51:40 64430 CScanJobCallback::GetNextPhaseArguments(349) - Total Collect Files=[3], Total Data Size=[1086945792], Total items to Backup=[899], Total Folder to backup=[2]

22366 575e 05/11 13:51:40 64430 CFileScan::Process(540) - concatPhaseParams( -parent 1 -c 899 -maxcolnum 3 -numcol 3  -incimage  -numfolder 42  -incimage -idx2  -ab 0  -idx2 -new_scan -slt -hloff  -r 1652248268,JMSTRSET:3)





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10 replies


  • Author
  • Byte
  • 21 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Hi @SparshGupta

Does it mean I need to enable the “ignoreFStype” from Client properties, additional advance settings to be able to backup the skipped FS (e.g nfs3 or nfs4) ? As I did not yet enable the said settings.



Hey @r0lansaad 


#1 - If you directly give the NFS mounted path as subclient content, then no additional settings are needed.


#2 - However, if your subclient content, let’s say is root i.e. “/”, in that case, it’s needed. But please note that, with the additional setting in place, all the nfs shares will be qualified for backup.


If you just need to backup a single NFS mounted share, #1 would be a better approach. If the intention is to backup all NFS mounts, then go with #2.




  • Author
  • Byte
  • 21 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Hi @SparshGupta


Below is the Subclient contents. The red arrow pointing to NFS mount path and the /tmp is to test the directory from local filesystem. Let me know if there is additional settings need to be able to success in backing up the nfs mount path.






No additional settings are needed. Since the paths are directly specified as subclient content, that should have sufficed.


1- What service pack are you on?


2 - Could you please share FileScan.log from the client? It would be under location /var/log/commvault/Log_Files.




Also, please share output of “mount” command

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 21 replies
  • May 12, 2022

Hi @SparshGupta,


Attached is the filescan.log. Below shows excerpt of the logs I can see file system type “NFS” was skipped. Does this means we need to enable “ignoreFStype” from client? Kindly help to advise further.



  • Author
  • Byte
  • 21 replies
  • May 12, 2022

we are using version 11.20.

  • Vaulter
  • 147 replies
  • Answer
  • May 16, 2022

Hi @r0lansaad 


You don’t need to add “ignoreFStype” key if the NFS path is directly specified as subclient content.


I could see that, 899 items (including files & folders), qualified for backup for this job. “/tmp” seems to have only 572 sample count, so others might be from “/ISDP_agents”


#1 - Did the job complete successfully?

#2 - Can you please share the jobresults directory “/ISDP_agents/commvault/JobResults/2/574”?

#3 - Do you see any Failures count for the job?

#4 - Does browse and restore not show any files under “/ISDP_agents”?

#5 - Could you please share output of “mount” command?




FileScan.log -


22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 skipFS::GetFsType(581) - add fstype 'nfs' for '/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent' to cache (dev_key:17)
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::ConfigureWorkersCount(2500) - MaxScanThreads is 15 but only 2 WorkUnits available. Restting MaxScanThreads to 2
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::AssignWorkersCountForWorkUnit(2669) - Encountered NFS[1] Gluster[0] Lustre[0] Mounts
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::AssignWorkersCountForWorkUnit(2679) - iMaxFolderLevelThreadsForNfsVol [14], iMaxFolderLevelThreadsPerNfsVol [14], iRemainder [0]


22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CFindFirstScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(419) - Will scan local folder [/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent] for source path [/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent]
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CFindFirstScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(478) - ProcessTopLevelContent (/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent)



22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(325) - ----------------- Total Volume Time Taken ------------------
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(334) - Volume[/] : Time : 0:00.162968 Samples : 572, 0:00.000284 average, 3509/second
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(334) - Volume[/ISDP_agents/] : Time : 0:00.013969 Samples : 368, 0:00.000037 average, 26343/second


22366 575e 05/11 13:51:40 64430 CScanJobCallback::GetNextPhaseArguments(349) - Total Collect Files=[3], Total Data Size=[1086945792], Total items to Backup=[899], Total Folder to backup=[2]

22366 575e 05/11 13:51:40 64430 CFileScan::Process(540) - concatPhaseParams( -parent 1 -c 899 -maxcolnum 3 -numcol 3  -incimage  -numfolder 42  -incimage -idx2  -ab 0  -idx2 -new_scan -slt -hloff  -r 1652248268,JMSTRSET:3)





Mike Struening

Hi @r0lansaad !  Were you able to review @SparshGupta ‘s questions?



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