Hi @r0lansaad
You don’t need to add “ignoreFStype” key if the NFS path is directly specified as subclient content.
I could see that, 899 items (including files & folders), qualified for backup for this job. “/tmp” seems to have only 572 sample count, so others might be from “/ISDP_agents”
#1 - Did the job complete successfully?
#2 - Can you please share the jobresults directory “/ISDP_agents/commvault/JobResults/2/574”?
#3 - Do you see any Failures count for the job?
#4 - Does browse and restore not show any files under “/ISDP_agents”?
#5 - Could you please share output of “mount” command?
FileScan.log -
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 skipFS::GetFsType(581) - add fstype 'nfs' for '/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent' to cache (dev_key:17)
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::ConfigureWorkersCount(2500) - MaxScanThreads is 15 but only 2 WorkUnits available. Restting MaxScanThreads to 2
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::AssignWorkersCountForWorkUnit(2669) - Encountered NFS[1] Gluster[0] Lustre[0] Mounts
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CScanJobFileSystem::AssignWorkersCountForWorkUnit(2679) - iMaxFolderLevelThreadsForNfsVol [14], iMaxFolderLevelThreadsPerNfsVol [14], iRemainder [0]
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CFindFirstScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(419) - Will scan local folder [/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent] for source path [/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent]
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:09 64430 CFindFirstScanEngine::ProcessWorkUnit(478) - ProcessTopLevelContent (/ISDP_agents/nessus_agent)
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(325) - ----------------- Total Volume Time Taken ------------------
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(334) - Volume[/] : Time : 0:00.162968 Samples : 572, 0:00.000284 average, 3509/second
22366 57c3 05/11 13:51:19 64430 CScanVolumePerformanceCounter::LogAllThreadPerformanceCounters(334) - Volume[/ISDP_agents/] : Time : 0:00.013969 Samples : 368, 0:00.000037 average, 26343/second
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:40 64430 CScanJobCallback::GetNextPhaseArguments(349) - Total Collect Files=[3], Total Data Size=[1086945792], Total items to Backup=[899], Total Folder to backup=[2]
22366 575e 05/11 13:51:40 64430 CFileScan::Process(540) - concatPhaseParams( -parent 1 -c 899 -maxcolnum 3 -numcol 3 -incimage -numfolder 42 -incimage -idx2 -ab 0 -idx2 -new_scan -slt -hloff -r 1652248268,JMSTRSET:3)