So sorry for the delay @xor . I think the issue is likely to be the content of the create_subclient_content.xml.
It has the whole archive section missing from it. I honestly can’t see a template for archiving subclients in our documentation so I will see if that can be added, however I am not sure this will be possible as archiving has been moved to Command Center and we can do all of this via API command.
POST {{serverURL}}/Subclient along with quite a simple payload. You can get this using the Command Center GUI to create the subclient and before finishing click the Equivalent API link.
"subClientProperties": {
"contentOperationType": 2,
"subClientEntity": {
"clientId": 251,
"clientName": "",
"applicationId": 33,
"backupsetId": 627,
"backupsetName": "DefaultArchivingSet",
"subclientName": "testCCArchiveSubclient"
"commonProperties": {
"enableBackup": true,
"impersonateUserCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 1,
"credentialName": "administrator"
"planEntity": {
"planId": 27
"content": [
"path": "\\\\\\sql"
"fsSubClientProp": {
"useGlobalFilters": "USE_CELL_LEVEL_POLICY",
"extendStoragePolicyRetention": true,
"archiverRetention": true,
"backupRetention": false,
"archiverRetentionMode": 2,
"backupFilesQualifiedForArchive": true,
"forcedArchiving": true,
"diskCleanupRules": {
"afterArchivingRule": 1,
"archiveReadOnlyFiles": false,
"enableArchivingWithRules": true,
"enableRedundancyForDataBackedup": false,
"fileAccessTimeOlderThan": 0,
"fileCreatedTimeOlderThan": 0,
"fileModifiedTimeOlderThan": 91,
"fileSizeGreaterThan": 1024,
"maximumFileSize": 0,
"startCleaningIfLessThan": 100,
"stopCleaningIfupto": 100,
"stubPruningOptions": 0,
"stubRetentionDaysOld": 365
"backupConfiguration": {
"backupDataAccessNodes": [
"_type_": 3,
"clientId": 98,
"clientName": "dc1"
"useLocalContent": true,
"useLocalArchivalRules": false
However what I have done below, and is good tip, create an archive subclient manually in the JAVA GUI with all the settings you are wanting and then before clicking OK, click Save As Script. This will then save the XML which you can then use for your new template.
You should get something like below. As you can see there is a whole section for archiving rules.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<appName>File System</appName>