I have an event with code 6:1002 in Event Viewer with the following description:
Backup operation was running from a fewer Data Access Nodes than configured. This could result in slower backup. The following Data Access Nodes were not in use: bkprj1r. Please check to see backup services on this node is up.

The bkprj1r server was a Linux MA Server. It was decomissioned last year. I probably didn't follow the correct procedure to disable thar MA server. The Job ID is 2752789. It started from the System Created for Index Backups Schedule Policy.

14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:11 2752789 DistributedIDA::CMaster::registerNodes(1061) - for bkprj1r: -numstreams 1
14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:11 2752789 AddAgent() - Added Agent [bkprj1r]
14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:11 2752789 StartRemoteAgent() - Starting Remote Agent [bkprj1r]
14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:11 2752789 StartRemoteAgent() - Launching agent executable [CVDistributor.exe] on [bkprj1r.anotherdomain.com*bkprj1r*8400*8402] with args [-j 2752789 -a 2:889 -t 1 -i 3 -d cvault-ma-02.anotherdomain.com*cvault-ma-02*8400*8402 -io 1 -jt 2752789:7:1:0:0:44245 -idxma cvault-ma-02.anotherdomain.com*cvault-ma-02*8400*8402 -backup -pkg libIdxCheckPoint -dDupAi -controller -phase backup -numstreams 1]
14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:14 2752789 ERROR: CvFwClient::connect(): Connection failed on cvault-ma-02: Couldn't complete tunnel connection to bkprj1r on No route to host
14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:14 2752789 StartRemoteAgent() - Failed to launch agent on [bkprj1r] ERROR 900005e Unable to connect to remote machine [bkprj1r.anotherdomain.com]. Please check Network Connectivity.
14516 38b4 11/04 13:00:14 2752789 DistributedIDA::CMaster::OnAgentFailed(2305) - Node [bkprj1r] failed to start
How Can I fix it?
CVLT Version: 11.26.3