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Slow Synthetic fulls and best practice or places to learn

  • June 5, 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello Everyone,

Currently our Synthetic Fulls that do our weekend backups are taking way to long and putting our system at risk.  They run well into Wednesday and they kick off on a Friday Night.  I have seen other posts about simultaneous Synthetics slowing down the system and we do have them running against one business server, however the way they were setup before my time each job is doing different sections of that drive.  I am trying to determine how to alleviate this issue.  Would SSD drives for our Media Agent help, we currently still have old mechanical drives installed.  Do we need to throw more processing power at the Server itself?  We are trying to roll into Metallic to replace tapes and at the speed the backups happen even if we can get our system to send to Metallic instead of tapes it will be so many days behind if we do have an issue we are pretty much dead in the water.  We are not a huge company, and I feel like a Synthetic is only supposed to write the new updated stuff and make it faster the a Normal Full every weekend, unless I am misunderstanding.  It scares the he!! out of me if I have to completely redo our jobs and I will do that or turn them into plans if its the best way to go.  I am hoping someone can point me in the correct direction.  I am trying to get training from commvault if my employer will pay for it.  Is there any other avenues anyone can recommend?  I have a Udemy course and its ok, but it really doesn’t focus on everything that I feel I need to really reign in our system and be able to bring it back incase of an issue.  Hopefully all the smart and amazing people out there can point me in the right direction.  Thank you.

Best answer by Sebastien Merluzzi

Hi @Heath ,

You can check these three links:

Best Regards,

Sebastien Merluzzi

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