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SQL Backup: A service user's access data is not transferred



Over the last few months, we have adapted the Command Center so that our customers can now set up and carry out backups independently. Agent is offered via the Download Center. Installation and assignment to the corresponding company is carried out via the AuthCode. It all works so far. Only if the customer wants to create a user for backing up a database, for example, do we receive the following message:
Failed to verify user [eos\SVC_IMVPMS5J_SQL_RW] for instance [imvpms5j]. Verify that services are online and with the correct user name and password.
If I then enter the same data via the console as an admin, it will be saved and the backup can be carried out.
Has anyone had these problems or is it possible that the permissions are not yet correct? Who might have a little more experience in this area and could help me here?



Best answer by Chris Hollis


When you configure the service account in the JAVA console, where exactly are you configuring it?

There are 4 locations:




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Chris Hollis
  • Vaulter
  • 333 replies
  • Answer
  • November 20, 2023


When you configure the service account in the JAVA console, where exactly are you configuring it?

There are 4 locations:




  • Author
  • Byte
  • 168 replies
  • November 23, 2023

We were able to find the problem. We solved this by storing the server group with the AD that the company manages as the owner. Customers were then able to hand over their backup users when setting up a new backup.

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