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Commvault Role for Multi Person Authorization

  • January 31, 2024
  • 1 reply



we want to create a role with least permissions for workflow approvals. Also I do not know on wich Entity I have to set the user and the role.

Why I am asking is that we want to use the several Authorization Workflows in Commvault.

Multi-Person Authorization to Minimize Insider Threat (


Kind Regards

Florian Kaiser

1 reply

Damian Andre

Hey @flokaiser,

I’m so glad you asked as I’ve been working on this a little bit recently. I’d actually love to work with you for feedback (and assistance) as you work through implementing this. I’ll hit you up over DM.

Appovers are controlled by a specified group of users - not the permissions or capabilities of the group, only the membership.

By default the workflows will consider anyone part of the master group to be an approver. However, after you install/deploy the workflow, you can access the workflow properties to alter which group, or even which individual users are considered to be approvers. In the same place you can also set the minimum number of approvers as well.


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