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Error Code: [14:109] Description: Index processing failed on MediaAgent. This may be due to the index cache being full or because of a corrupt index.


Error Code: [14:109]
Description: Index processing failed on MediaAgent. This may be due to the index cache being full or because of a corrupt index.

Best answer by Stogs

@Braj85 are these Synthetic Fulls or Incremental backups where you are seeing this error? When seeing these type of errors on Synthetic Fulls it typically means the index database is not in a good state. For this I would recommend a support case as the index side can get more complicated. If Incremental a reboot of the MediaAgent may resolve the issue but it is important to stop the Commvault Services so it brings the DDB down cleanly.

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Hi @Braj85 ,

I would suggest to check the status of the MA (online, operational) and its Index Cache disk. In the MA Properties > Catalog tab check the space usage and “offline reason”.

Also checking the logs for the failed job for a more specific error may help narrow down the issue here.


Best Regards,


  • Author
  • Byte
  • 3 replies
  • June 7, 2021

Hi @MichaelCapon,

Thanks for your reply.

I have already verified the options you have suggested & found that all is OK. However, issue persists the same.




Mike Struening

@Braj85 what type of job is failing and for what iDA?  We would definitely want to see what the log files show for the job.  You possibly have a corrupt Index Cache entry though it is just as likely that there is an issue with the MA itself.

Let me know what type of backup agent as well as if this is an Incremental, Synth Full, etc. running and I’ll advise on logs.

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 3 replies
  • June 8, 2021

Hi @Mike Struening,

Multiple VM backups are failing & those are runnning through the same MA. Backup type is Full.


Mike Struening

Can you check the vsbkp.log file at the failure time and share what you see?

Also, you can check out and look at the state of your Index.

Click the box in the upper right-hand corner for more details:


Mike Struening

Hey @Braj85 !  following up to see if you were able to check the vsbkp.log file for errors?


Mike Struening

Hey @Braj85 !  Before I close this off, wanted to follow up to see if you were able to check the vsbkp.log file for errors?

  • Vaulter
  • 16 replies
  • Answer
  • June 16, 2021

@Braj85 are these Synthetic Fulls or Incremental backups where you are seeing this error? When seeing these type of errors on Synthetic Fulls it typically means the index database is not in a good state. For this I would recommend a support case as the index side can get more complicated. If Incremental a reboot of the MediaAgent may resolve the issue but it is important to stop the Commvault Services so it brings the DDB down cleanly.


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