Yesterday our environment did an automatic upgrade from 11.20.xx to 11.24.29.
Previously I have had absolutely zero issues with data verification and backups and aux copies and all jobs show as passing data verification.
Now I’m seeing errors/issues on aux copies and data verification along the lines of:
Failed to process chunk [2840311] in media [V_98073], at the time of error in library [Disk Library] and mount path [[ma02] C:\Mount\maglib04], for storage policy [Backup to Disk] copy [Primary] MediaAgent []: Data read from media appears to be invalid..
We’re using global dedupe and lots of synthetic full backups so I’m trying a proper full backup on a problem job to see what happens.
Before I raise with support does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts please?
This is a Windows MA environment where there have been zero issues this literally started to happen after the 11.24.29 install.
Obviously this doesn’t seem good :(