Hi all,
This question relates to v2 indexed VM backups. I’m running out of ideas and wondering what special reg keys might exist to somehow force the “auto” synth full schedules over more days than the rolling schedule based on retention). In this case we backup 3000+ VMs, most of which use a single plan but multiple VM groups/subclients to split them up by datastore. This used to work OK before moving to plans as each subclient would or could have its own schedule policy.
My question is what do you guys recommend to split the synth fulls up ideally accross 7 (or 14) days given that is the retention?
Basically becuase of how things were discovered, migrated, etc., there are days of the week where 1000 or more synth fulls run and many days where none run, so, that’s the issue trying to solve.
I thought about derivative plans but I’d still need to futz with every one of them via console to undo the “auto” schedule and force particular days of the week.
OR are some or many of you just running Full fulls not synths so as to better control the timing of the fulls?