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Cannot attach more than 5 disks to the proxy server in oVirt virtual machine backup



We get an error when backing up vm with more than 5 disks in OVirt. Error;

Error Code: [91:271]
Description: Unable to attach disks for virtual machine [<vm_name>] to the proxy. []
Source: <proxy>, Process: vsbkp

VM has 14 disks.

I attached log file.

Virtual machine’s disk type is virtio-scsi and proxy machine disk type is virtio-scsi too.


Commvault v11.20.27

oVirt 4.3.6

Proxy server OS RHEL 7.7

Virtual Machine OS RHEL 7.7


How can i solve this error? Any limitation here?

Best answer by ibrahimemrekaya


I found solution on Red Hat Customer Portal. Attached.

Our version is 4.3.x

We’ll try to update.

View original
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10 replies



I found solution on Red Hat Customer Portal. Attached.

Our version is 4.3.x

We’ll try to update.

Mike Struening

Thanks for coming back to share!!!

  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 5 replies
  • August 1, 2021

Good afternoon, sorry for the daring but I saw some of your comments, you know how this was solved:

Mike Struening

@Fidel Berrum , he attached a pdf of the solution, though here is the direct link:


hi guys, can you please provide that pdf or post the solution here?

Damian Andre


I’ll try figure out why the PDF wont open. In the meantime:



  • Cannot attach disk to VM with the following error:
  • Requested operation is not valid: Domain already contains a disk with that address



Will be fixed in RHV 4.4 by BZ 1855305

Workaround on RHV 4.3 is to switch the disk from virtio-scsi to virtio.
Login to RHV-M => Click on the VM => Disks => Edit the inactive disk => Change the Interface to VirtIO.
Then activate the disk


Root Cause

There is a bug in RHV 4.3 that when you attach a normal VirtIO-SCSI disk, it's taking the same address of the host disk which is added to the VM using "host passthrough".


Diagnostic Steps

From the engine.log file:

2020-08-30 06:00:30,420+03 ERROR [] (default task-454) [cf6ebd1b-019b-4f20-a56f-a32ec3a19a64] Command '' failed: EngineException: org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.VDSErrorException: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to HotPlugDiskVDS, error = Requested operation is not valid: Domain already contains a disk with that address, code = 45 (Failed with error FailedToPlugDisk and code 45)

From the vdsm.log file:


2020-08-30 05:59:00,105+0300 ERROR (jsonrpc/0) [virt.vm] (vmId='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx') Hotplug failed (vm:3841)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virt/", line 3839, in hotplugDisk
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virt/", line 100, in f
    ret = attr(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/common/", line 131, in wrapper
    ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/common/", line 94, in wrapper
    return func(inst, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 581, in attachDevice
    if ret == -1: raise libvirtError ('virDomainAttachDevice() failed', dom=self)
libvirtError: Requested operation is not valid: Domain already contains a disk with that address


Thanks, We are running ovirt version and after upgrading CommVault to service pack 26 hotfix 16 we are getting the same failures.

8116  1a74  03/22 21:49:23 6676894 CRhevInfo::DeleteVMSnapshot() - Snapshot [96b3c033-60f9-4522-8be6-926a669daae7] of VM [1abb0940-b8d5-45e8-90ac-d7d7c3be6f4d] deleted successfully
8116  1a74  03/22 21:49:23 6676894 CRhevInfo::UnmountVM() - VM [server] unmounted successfully
8116  1a74  03/22 21:49:23 6676894 CheckVMInfoError() - VM [server] Unable to attach disks for virtual machine.



8116  1a74  03/22 21:47:42 6676894 RhevSDKWrapper::CVRhevOperations::attachDisk() - Failed to attach disk [a6d9629a-90b2-40b6-92da-58bc8c5e4b80] snapshotid [96b3c033-60f9-4522-8be6-926a669daae7] to VMid [890C105D-333B-435E-8D8B-0B889F4F9C14]
8116  1a74  03/22 21:47:42 6676894 CRhevInfo::AttachAndActivateDisk() - Failed to attach disk [a6d9629a-90b2-40b6-92da-58bc8c5e4b80]. Error details:
8116  2e0   03/22 21:48:02 6676894 CRhevInfo::DetatchAndDeactivateDisk() - Disk [f44ba1fe-7f35-4ea3-9b83-a00d7a7d0d5d] deactivated successfully
8116  1a74  03/22 21:48:02 6676894 CRhevInfo::ConnectDiskToProxy() - attached: 0, registered: 1, postAttachRet: 1
8116  1a74  03/22 21:48:02 6676894 CRhevInfo::_MountVM_rcb() - Attached 0 disks for VM [server]
8116  1a74  03/22 21:48:02 6676894 CRhevInfo::_MountVM_rcb() - Failed to connect disk [a6d9629a-90b2-40b6-92da-58bc8c5e4b80] to proxy
8116  1a74  03/22 21:48:02 6676894 CRhevInfo::UnmountVM() - Disk Count to disconnect from Proxy: 0


8116  1a74  03/22 21:47:42 6676894 RhevSDKWrapper::CVRhevConnection::_sendReq() - Error: 400. POST [https://servername/ovirt-engine/api/vms/890C105D-333B-435E-8D8B-0B889F4F9C14/diskattachments]


8116  1a74  03/22 21:47:42 6676894 RhevSDKWrapper::CVRhevConnection::_sendReq() -   Req: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><disk_attachment><active>true</active><bootable>false</bootable><read_only>false</read_only><interface>virtio_scsi</interface><disk id="a6d9629a-90b2-40b6-92da-58bc8c5e4b80"><read_only>false</read_only><snapshot id="96b3c033-60f9-4522-8be6-926a669daae7"/></disk></disk_attachment>]
8116  1a74  03/22 21:47:42 6676894 RhevSDKWrapper::CVRhevConnection::_sendReq() -   Rsp: [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<detail>[Failed to hot-plug disk]</detail>
<reason>Operation Failed</reason>

  • Bit
  • 1 reply
  • April 12, 2022


i have a slight different issue and i found this document on redhat support

however i don’t have an active subscription.

can someone help me with this issue and provide me a pdf or copy the solution to this post?

  • Bit
  • 6 replies
  • August 15, 2022

Ran across this thread since I am also currently troubleshooting issues, though mine is a bit different. 

Just thought I would throw it out there that Red Hat’s paid for content probably is not supposed to be shared, I don’t know for sure, but sharing the related bugzilla and information stated there does seem to be open and free.



Hi All, I am also experiencing this error “Unable to attach disks for virtual machine [VM Name] to the proxy <>. I am trying to backup my VMs in OLVM environment. How to solve the issue?


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