CV 11.25 commvault server could support Linux OS, want to download from “media kit” of, what is different between enterprise kits, innovation kits and solution kits
Media KITS from

Best answer by Stuart Painter
Yes, Commvault supports Linux clients and many applications running on linux servers.
You can download installation media from both Maintenance Advantage and Commvault Cloud.
Feature Releases and Feature Release Schedule and Lifecycles explains the differences and scheduling of Commvault releases.
All of the kits available for download are packaged as a small ~20 MB download manager installers that will automatically download selected packages as you choose options during the installation. These can also be used to generate custom installation packages with selected packages and customized configurations.
Enterprise kits are installers for our Long Term Support Feature Releases, currently SP16, FR11.20 and FR11.24. These can be used for new installations or to update to later feature releases.
E.g. Feature Release 11.24 - Commvault
Innovation kits are installers for our Feature Releases containing new features, released between each LTS release. These FRs have a shorter support lifecycle than LTS and would typically be installed to benefit from the latest features. These can be used for new installations or to update to later feature releases.
E.g. Innovation kit - Feature Release 11.26 - Commvault
Solution kits are installers that contain Commvault Express media, which can be used for trial installations as a complete package with Commserve and SQL Express.
E.g. Feature Release 11.26 - Commvault Express
Please see the Quick Start Guide for the Commvault Trial Package for more info on trial installations.
Maintenance Releases are bundles of hotfixes that update to minor versions of Commvault software, e.g. from v11.24.xx to v11.24.29. These are provided as individual packages for each different client OS.
E.g. MR 11.24.29
Maintenance Advantage downloads page lists out in table form the current releases by LTS (Enterprise kits), Innovation Releases (Innovation kits) and also Technology Preview, which is simply the latest and newest available Feature Release.
v11 Software, Feature Release and Maintenance Release Downloads
If you are looking for 11.25, this is an Innovation FR with new features and is supported until 15-Sep-2022.

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