as we are getting more Linux VM on our Nutanix AHV Environment, we just now deployed the Commvault FREL for AHV (Version 11.24).
The deplyoment and the registration wasn’t to difficult and we got it up and running.
But we still can’t browse a Linux VM, everytime we try to access the VM, we get the following error message:
“"Browse failed due to error while mounting virtual machine: Failed to retrieve VM information from Index Cache."”
We checked the connection between FREL, VSA and MediaAgent and they can communicate without any problems
The Brwose.log on the MediaAgent is showing this error:
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### BrowseRequestHandler::processBrowseRequest() - START - browse request with worker id [5722]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### RESTOREIDX browse accessing index 'E:\CV_IndexCache\CV_Index\2\778\1666037071'
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### RESTORE restore: all components indices required are in the cache
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### RESTORE open directory [E:\CV_IndexCache\CV_Index\2\778\1666037071] to check for metadata collection flag
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() Proceed to LiveBrowse because job 1121098 was ran with Granular Recovery option turned off.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseWrapper::VMLivebrowseWrapper() - [VMLivebrowse] Live browse DLL is already loaded. Using the same handle.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() aFile [2663546] will be used for mount for path[\6c8c9517-a412-4c52-893d-52411000f8c3]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() VM GUID for mount: 6c8c9517-a412-4c52-893d-52411000f8c3
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseClient::_GetProxyAndFBR() - bEnableNTFSLiveBrowseInLinuxMA is 0
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseUtils::isWindowsVM() - GuestOS from CS DB: [116]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseUtils::getLinuxFBRMA() - [VMLivebrowse] FBR MA is set as rzvmcvt-frel in vmMountInfo.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseUtils::getLinuxFBRMA() - [VMLivebrowse] FBR MA is set to :[rzvmcvt-frel].
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseClient::_GetProxyAndFBR() - The Guest VM is Linux VM. Selected a Linux client [*rzvmcvt-frel*8400*8402] as both FBR and live browse server.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseUtils::PowerOnClient() - Powering on client [rzvmcvt-frel] succeeded.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseClient::MountBackup() - [VMLivebrowse] Executing remote call for [MountBackup] in host [*rzvmcvt-frel*8400*8402] instance type 601
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:41 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Host name : [*rzvmcvt-frel*8400*8402]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Received response back from Live browse.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::MountBackup() - [VMLivebrowse] FBR MA is set to : [rzvmcvt-frel]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() MountBackup succeeded for live browse. Proceed with enumeration.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::FileSystemEnumerateItems() - [VMLivebrowse] Path : (\6c8c9517-a412-4c52-893d-52411000f8c3)
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::MountVM() - [VMLivebrowse] Executing remote call for [MountVM]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Host name : [*rzvmcvt-frel*8400*8402]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Received response back from Live browse.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::MountVM() - [VMLivebrowse] Remote error during [MountVM] : 234881285, Failed to retrieve VM information from Index Cache
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::FileSystemEnumerateItems() - [VMLivebrowse] Failed to mount VM [6c8c9517-a412-4c52-893d-52411000f8c3]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() Live browse enumeration Enumeration failed: 234881285 Failed to retrieve VM information from Index Cache
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Host name : [*rzvmcvt-frel*8400*8402]
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### VMLivebrowseClient::ExecuteRemoteCall() - [VMLivebrowse] Received response back from Live browse.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### LiveBrowseVirtualServer() Live browse Enumeration for count completed successfully.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### BrowseVirtualServer() LiveBrowse failed with error code -6.
21368 1c74 10/18 11:06:44 ### EMCALL ERROR: emGetChildrenImageLevelPage() failed with code[-6]
On the FREL itself, i don’t have a FBR.log, only the cvd.log, but the network connection it is mentioning, are working, at least between the systems.
I already setup One-Way-Network Rules, to make sure, the connections are established and open.
But now im out of Ideas.