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Oracle RAC backups to tape from rman command line

  • July 2, 2024
  • 1 reply



Normally we use the Commvault Comcell to initiate and schedule our backups.  We are trying to run this from the rman command line on the server but when using the script below, it writes the backups to local disk not tape.  


The reason we want to run from the command line is to enable detailed tracing as Oracle Support have requested this for a backup issue we currently have.

run {
allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/passt@CNTEST PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/home/commvault/Base/,BLKSIZE=1048576,ENV=(CvClientName=Instance001)";
allocate channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' connect sys/pass##T3st@CNTEST PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=/home/commvault/Base/,BLKSIZE=1048576,ENV=(CvClientName=Instance001)"; 
--send "--cv-host <Backup host hostname> --cv-clientname <Pseudo client name>";
send "BACKUP -jm 32813 -a 2:7814 -cl 3017 -ins 840 -at 80 -j 6054893 -jt 6054893:4:1:0:0:15469 -bal 0 -t 1 -ms 1 -data  -useCvNwSrv -mhn*server1*8400*8402";
setlimit channel ch1 maxopenfiles 4;
setlimit channel ch2 maxopenfiles 4;
backup incremental level = 0
filesperset = 4 
database include current controlfile spfile;


I found this parameter but we only want to enable tracing for the LEVEL 0 full backup.  At what level do we have to set nORATRACELEVEL


Would appreciate any help or advice 




1 reply


Hello @GavinH 


Thanks for the question and all the details. If there are no outlined settings in the script we should just honor the storage policy that is associated to the subclient.  


If you do want to set a specific storage target this should help you build the script to achieve that:


Kind regards

Albert Williams


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