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App-Aware VM Backup Schedules


I have configured an app-aware  (SQL) VM backup and the initial job ran successfully and pushed out the required agent to the VM and subsequently backed up the SQL instance however the schedules initially assigned to VM look to have been applied to SQL subclient which causes the job to fail on next run and every run thereafter as the application is trying to be backed up both as an app-aware VM but also a standalone SQL backup.

Has anyone else had this issue with SQL app-aware backups?

Best answer by Tom Evans

Updating the thread as I have now received a diag to resolve this issue. Have not got round to applying/testing yet but will update again one complete with the result.

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Chris Hollis
  • Vaulter
  • 333 replies
  • February 22, 2021

Hi @Tom Evans 

If I’m understanding you right, what you’re saying is that the subclient within the SQL Instance itself has inherited the same scheduler as the VSA Subclient containing the VM?

If so, that does not sound right… I’d only expect to see a T-LOG backup schedule be automatically assigned (at the SQL subclient) which is mentioned here:

There is a possibility that the SQL Agent was added to a client group that defines the same scheduler as the VSA subclient. 

Do you have smart groups configured by any chance? 

Please refer to: &

Could you please check to see if the SQL client is part of multiple or any other client computer groups? 


  • Author
  • Byte
  • 27 replies
  • February 22, 2021

Hi @Chris Hollis 

Thanks for your reply.

Yep the issue is exactly as you describe in that the SQL Instance has inherited schedules from the plan configured for the VSA backup.

The SQL client is part of 4 groups in total (all default configuration). The hypervisor group, External Clients for Failover, Infrastructure and MediaAgents group.

I've checked schedules for these groups and the only schedule is the Automatically created Install Software schedule.

No smart groups configured in the environment (other than default system created ones).


Chris Hollis
  • Vaulter
  • 333 replies
  • February 22, 2021

Thanks for clarifying @Tom Evans 

I think it would be best to see if we can get a copy of your database and review this via a support incident as I don’t believe what you are seeing is expected (it could be...but we’ll confirm officially once we’ve reviewed the setup).

Would you be able to raise a support case and let me know the ticket number? 

We’ll loop back on this thread with our findings afterward for the broader community. 

  • Author
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  • 27 replies
  • February 23, 2021

@Chris Hollis,

I raised this with support a few days ago so is actively being worked on, I posted on here in case anyone might have had a similar issue and could possibly advise the fix at the time.

Initial response from support is that it is not expected behaviour. 

Once I have a resolution I will update this post.

  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 50 replies
  • February 24, 2021

Hi Tom! I’m having exact same issue (two CommCells, both 11.22). As a workaround I removed SQL associations from plan’s schedule policies in Commcell Console. Let us know your findings from support.

Mike Struening

Updating the thread as it seems that dev provided a diag for @Tom Evans .  Definitely curious to see the end result!

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 27 replies
  • March 3, 2021

Hi @Mike Struening 

The diag was for a separate issue regarding the configuration of the User for AppAware backups from the Command Center. Effectively when applying the user it wasn’t actually doing anything so when the AppAware backup ran the job would fail because it didn't have sufficient permissions.

I am still awaiting further information on the schedules issue.



  • Author
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  • 27 replies
  • Answer
  • March 10, 2021

Updating the thread as I have now received a diag to resolve this issue. Have not got round to applying/testing yet but will update again one complete with the result.

Mike Struening

Thanks for the continued updates, @Tom Evans !

Mike Struening

@Tom Evans , gentle follow up to see if the update has worked.  Once you confirm, I’ll track down the eventual public fix for everyone else to follow.

  • Author
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  • 27 replies
  • March 26, 2021

Hi @Mike Struening ,

The diag that support provided me has worked and new AppAware backups no longer inherit the schedules from the plan.



Mike Struening

Sweet, thanks for confirming.  Great news before the weekend!!


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