If you were to include a synthetic full option, many of the benefits this feature provides will become redundant.
The primary benefits for this approach is:
Less ‘footprint’ on your storage device(s)
Better scalability & reliability
Faster browse/search and restore capabilities
May I ask what would be the reason for needing a synthetic full in your environment for this type of data?
If you were concerned about not having a ‘FULL’ to refer to, we do have the option to ‘Convert to FULL’ as per: https://documentation.commvault.com/commvault/v11_sp20/article?p=29004.htm
Note however the job type remains the same ‘incremental’, you’ll just see a spike in amount of date (size of application) as we’ll be backing up everything in the users mailboxes at that time.
If you were to include a synthetic full option, many of the benefits this feature provides will become redundant.
The primary benefits for this approach is:
Less ‘footprint’ on your storage device(s)
Better scalability & reliability
Faster browse/search and restore capabilities
May I ask what would be the reason for needing a synthetic full in your environment for this type of data?
If you were concerned about not having a ‘FULL’ to refer to, we do have the option to ‘Convert to FULL’ as per: https://documentation.commvault.com/commvault/v11_sp20/article?p=29004.htm
Note however the job type remains the same ‘incremental’, you’ll just see a spike in amount of date (size of application) as we’ll be backing up everything in the users mailboxes at that time.
We have a CMR (#256668) currently being worked on to provide support for a ‘Full’ archive job for selective copies with this agent. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a full backup job type, for example, it’s possible it may be a workflow that grabs or compiles incrementals that are on a tape / or that cover a certain time period and makes them one job, development are still designing this and there is no ETA on when it will be available.
In the meantime, for your current situation, yes, if you’re hosting everything after 6 weeks on tape, overtime you’ll need more and more tapes to recover data, this is true.
You’ll most likely find that your tapes will however be able to hold a lot more jobs as they’ll be smaller increments of data… unless of course you have a large amount of mailboxes to protect (10s of thousands) and the rate of change between archive jobs is exponential.
Smaller increments of jobs hopefully means less tapes required to cover a larger period of time.
Is the current setup primary = disk, secondary = tape? or is there another disk copy you could take advantage of for mid-long term retention on disk?
What kind of retention will you be applying to your tape copy?
@Chris Hollis is there any update on the CMR that you mentioned about a “Full” archive job for exchange online to use for selective copies? We’ve seen a rise in requests for such a possibility.
I'm looking forward too about full backups and get off the everyday incremental that runs for years... I prefer to proceed with a simple plan with 30 Inc daily backups and then GFS with synthetic monthly and yearly backups.
How many storage you are going to save from that?
Whats the reason to have every day incremental for 1,2 or 3+ years?
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