Moving the Private Metrics Reporting Server to a New Host, the procedure:
Step 2: Restore the CVCloud database:
If you used SQL Server Management Studio to back up the CVCloud database, copy the CVCloud .dmp file, paste it to a location on the new server, and then restore the CVCloud database using SQL Server Management Studio. For instructions, see Complete Database Restores (Full Recovery Model).
If you used the SQL agent to run a full backup, restore the CVCloud database to the new dedicated server. For instructions, see Restoring SQL Databases Out of Place.
We restore the SQL using SQL agent, out of place.
Step 4: Upgrade the restored CVCloud database using the DBUpgradeTool.
In the Path to backup Database box, click the [...] button and select a directory for the backup of the database dump file.
In the DBUpgrade Log Location box, click the [...] button to locate the directory for logs.
By default, to perform the database upgrade, the Standard option is automatically selected.
If the database is in an unstable state, select Repair to resolve the database errors as part of the upgrade process.
If the database upgrade failed and you are retrying the upgrade, select Resume to continue with the upgrade from the point of failure.”
Sio in step 2) Commvault is saying that “sql agent” can be used to restore the DB.
But in step 4) it requires the dump file….