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Alibaba hypervisor creation failed



I’m currently try to create Alibaba hypervisor, but somehow it failed. Error is “Add hypervisor failed. Validate VS credentials failed. Error [100:Unable to connect to Virtual Machine host [default] as user [LTAI4xxxxxxxxxxxx]. Please ensure that the proxy is able to communicate with the host and that the user account and password are correct.]”.

Alibaba vendor said that they provide the correct access & secret key. 

I communicate the proxy from CS using public IP. Is it due to this the proxy try communicate to ECS using public IP hence it failed?

Is there any log in commvault that I can check whether it is due to communication or credential?



Best answer by Blaine Williams

Hi Fauzi, 

Looks from the log that is cannot communicate to to the cloud and that it is timing out. I would check your firewall and proxy rules. 

3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - failed to send http request
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - curl-err:[Timeout was reached] http-resp:[0] url:[] req-data:[_null_] len:[0] server-resp:[_null_] resp-size:[0]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry() - Retrying after [30] seconds...
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudECSConnection::Connect() - Failed to connect to AliCloud. Error : [0xEDDD0001:


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Hi Fauzi,

Please verify system requirement/setup guide information for Alibaba Cloud is setup correctly.  If all requirements are met please check the cvd log (Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\logs) on virtual server proxy which will provide more details.  You can also run wireshark on the virtual server proxy to check for network communication issues.


Guided Setup for Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud: System Requirements


Alibaba Cloud: System Requirements

The following requirements apply when using the Virtual Server Agent with Alibaba Cloud.


Add a separate hypervisor for each Alibaba Cloud account.

Proxy Requirements

  • The VSA proxy must be a Windows instance running in the same Alibaba Cloud zone as the instances that are being protected.
  • Deploy a VSA proxy for each zone.
  • The proxy must run one of the following operating systems:
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Editions
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Editions

  • Author
  • Bit
  • 2 replies
  • July 1, 2021

Hi Ricky,


From cvd.log, below some of the error


3164  780   07/01 08:51:32 ### ::UpdateClientInfo() - Client has docked to a CommServe shall UpdateClientInfo
3164  780   07/01 08:51:32 ### ERROR: CvFwClient::connect(): Can't remove fallback info: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\FwConfig.txt got changed
3164  780   07/01 08:51:32 ### ::UpdateClientInstallInfo() - Successfully synchronized client.
3164  780   07/01 08:51:32 ### ERROR: CvFwClient::connect(): Can't remove fallback info: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\FwConfig.txt got changed
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### CVVMDetect::DetectHypervisor() - Local Hypervisor type: [Alibaba Cloud VM]
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### CVVMDetect::GetLocalVMUUID() - Local VM UUID: [68F99C42-9943-4851-9E6D-CE3D4F27FB4E]
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### DetectVMUUID() - Local VM UUID : 68F99C42-9943-4851-9E6D-CE3D4F27FB4E
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::DetectVMDataCenterName() - Local VM Datacenter : 
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::DetectVMHostName() - Local VM Hostname : 
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::UpdateExplorerPluginStatus() - sending explorer plugin enabled status [0].
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### UpdateClientIpAddress() - Failed to get ipAddressListCRC32 from registry
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::UpdateClientFireWallInfo() - Inside the function.
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ERROR: CvFwClient::connect(): Can't remove fallback info: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\FwConfig.txt got changed
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::SetClientLocalIdxProps() - veryfy and populate registry with Indexing configuration GUIDs
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::SetClientLocalIdxProps() - Updating index cache parameters in the registry for the client name [drma-cvlt-01]
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ERROR: CvFwClient::connect(): Can't remove fallback info: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\FwConfig.txt got changed
3164  780   07/01 08:51:33 ### ::UpdateClientInfo() - Client Properties update thread done. Exiting...
3164  d7c   07/01 08:52:33 ### CvRemoteFileCacheClient::SendReceiveInitReq Failed to receive RFCInitResp to server, err [0x80070102:{CCvNetwork::ReceiveXMLMessage(4076)} + {CCvNetwork::CheckIfDataAvailable(5425)/drma-cvlt-01/ CVODS.exe(4108:104c)} + {CCvNetwork::CheckDataWaiting(6099)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::CheckDataWaiting(663)/W32.258.(The wait operation timed out. (WAIT_TIMEOUT.258))-Timed out}]
3164  d7c   07/01 08:52:33 ### RFC Clean up Failed: [0xECCC0016:{CvRemoteFileCacheClient::InitiateCleanup(283)} + {CvRemoteFileCacheClient::SendReceiveInitReq(258)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-ReceiveXMLMessage failed. Error:[0x80070102:{CCvNetwork::ReceiveXMLMessage(4076)} + {CCvNetwork::CheckIfDataAvailable(5425)/drma-cvlt-01/ CVODS.exe(4108:104c)} + {CCvNetwork::CheckDataWaiting(6099)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::CheckDataWaiting(663)/W32.258.(The wait operation timed out. (WAIT_TIMEOUT.258))-Timed out}], Timed out:[Yes]}]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:52:39 ### CAliCloudInfo::Init() - AliCloudInfo Focus: [Instance001] App: [CVD] JobId: [0]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:52:39 ### CAliCloudInfo::Connect() - Connecting with user name [LTAI5t79aGcYA7DX6ccB2Ap8].
3164  12bc  07/01 08:53:21 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - failed to send http request
3164  12bc  07/01 08:53:21 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - curl-err:[Timeout was reached] http-resp:[0] url:[] req-data:[_null_] len:[0] server-resp:[_null_] resp-size:[0]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:53:21 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry() - Retrying after [30] seconds...
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [CVDMessageHandler]. Ser# [0] Tot [24], Pend [0], Comp [24], Max Par [3], Time (Serial) [123.117432]s, Time (Parallel) [121.889107]s, Wait [0.000810]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [CVDMessageHandler]. Ser# [1] Tot [72], Pend [0], Comp [72], Max Par [8], Time (Serial) [251.080416]s, Time (Parallel) [181.545603]s, Wait [0.253845]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [IOCPServerPool_JobControlCVD]. Ser# [1] Tot [8], Pend [8], Comp [0], Max Par [8], Time (Serial) [0.000000]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000000]s, Wait [0.124619]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [CvLinkService]. Ser# [0] Tot [3], Pend [0], Comp [3], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.000832]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000832]s, Wait [0.000093]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [IOCPServerPool_CVD]. Ser# [1] Tot [8], Pend [8], Comp [0], Max Par [8], Time (Serial) [0.000000]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000000]s, Wait [0.023651]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [CVD]. Ser# [0] Tot [9], Pend [0], Comp [9], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.000246]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000246]s, Wait [0.000280]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [CVD]. Ser# [1] Tot [9], Pend [0], Comp [9], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.000172]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000172]s, Wait [0.000245]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [sLNSERVERMANAGER]. Ser# [0] Tot [1], Pend [0], Comp [1], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.002292]s, Time (Parallel) [0.002292]s, Wait [0.001263]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [sLNCVINSTALLCLIENT]. Ser# [0] Tot [1], Pend [0], Comp [1], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.128623]s, Time (Parallel) [0.128623]s, Wait [0.000915]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [IOCPServerPool_SysMonEventSink]. Ser# [1] Tot [8], Pend [8], Comp [0], Max Par [8], Time (Serial) [0.000000]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000000]s, Wait [0.020088]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [logmanager]. Ser# [0] Tot [1], Pend [0], Comp [1], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.514857]s, Time (Parallel) [0.514857]s, Wait [0.000706]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [remotefilecacheserver]. Ser# [0] Tot [1], Pend [0], Comp [1], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.484279]s, Time (Parallel) [0.484279]s, Wait [0.000784]s
3164  354   07/01 08:54:31 ### TPool [sLNVMMANUALDISC]. Ser# [0] Tot [1], Pend [1], Comp [0], Max Par [1], Time (Serial) [0.000000]s, Time (Parallel) [0.000000]s, Wait [0.000926]s
3164  c6c   07/01 08:54:31 ### UpdateClientInterfaceHostnameChange_OnTimer() - Failed to get hostnameListCRC32 from registry
3164  c6c   07/01 08:54:31 ### UpdateClientInterfaceHostnameChange_OnTimer() - Hostname list changed since last update.
3164  c6c   07/01 08:54:31 ### ERROR: CvFwClient::connect(): Can't remove fallback info: C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\FwConfig.txt got changed
3164  c6c   07/01 08:54:31 ### UpdateClientInterfaceHostnameChange_OnTimer() - CS has updated info for client. Will update information locally.
3164  12bc  07/01 08:54:34 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - failed to send http request
3164  12bc  07/01 08:54:34 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - curl-err:[Timeout was reached] http-resp:[0] url:[] req-data:[_null_] len:[0] server-resp:[_null_] resp-size:[0]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:54:34 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry() - Retrying after [30] seconds...
3164  60    07/01 08:55:38 ### CFolderIOInfoWriter::PruneRecordsOlderThan(161) - Pruning successful, ClientId=[0], PruneTime=[2021/06/01 00:55:38.275580Z (1622508938)]
3164  60    07/01 08:55:38 ### CFolderLevelIOInfoWriter::PruneRecordsOlderThan(621) - Pruning successful, ClientId=[0], PruneTime=[2021/07/01 00:25:38.275580Z (1625099138)]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - failed to send http request
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - curl-err:[Timeout was reached] http-resp:[0] url:[] req-data:[_null_] len:[0] server-resp:[_null_] resp-size:[0]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry() - Retrying after [30] seconds...
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudECSConnection::Connect() - Failed to connect to AliCloud. Error : [0xEDDD0001:{AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudECSConnection::ExecuteRequest(555)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequest(637)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry(585)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::_ExecuteRequest(665)/Int.1.0x1-Request did not complete successfully. Failed to parse error response.}].
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudWrapper::Connect() - Failed to connect. Error: [0xEDDD0001:{AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudECSConnection::Connect(395)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudECSConnection::ExecuteRequest(555)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequest(637)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry(585)} + {AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::_ExecuteRequest(665)/Int.1.0x1-Request did not complete successfully. Failed to parse error response.}].
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### CAliCloudInfo::Connect() - Connect failed.
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### CVMManualDiscVMInfoCache::PrepareVMInfo() - Connect Failed server=[AlibabaECS] User=[LTAI5t79aGcYA7DX6ccB2Ap8]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### CVMManualDiscVMInfoCache::GetVMInfo() - Failed to prepare VMInfo object for AlibabaECS


Any idea what is wrong?




Hi Fauzi, 

Looks from the log that is cannot communicate to to the cloud and that it is timing out. I would check your firewall and proxy rules. 

3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - failed to send http request
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### CVLibCurl::CVLibCurlSendHttpReqInternal() - curl-err:[Timeout was reached] http-resp:[0] url:[] req-data:[_null_] len:[0] server-resp:[_null_] resp-size:[0]
3164  12bc  07/01 08:55:46 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudConnectionBase::ExecuteRequestWithRetry() - Retrying after [30] seconds...
3164  12bc  07/01 08:56:16 ### AliCloudWrapper::CAliCloudECSConnection::Connect() - Failed to connect to AliCloud. Error : [0xEDDD0001:


  • Author
  • Bit
  • 2 replies
  • July 5, 2021

Hi Blaine,

Yes. Thank you very much. That’s the issue. The proxy cannot communicate to outside. They assign a public IP, then it manage to create the hypervisor.

I basically doing a conversion from vmware to alibaba, but when the vm restored, it changed the hostname of the vm. Is this supposed to happen?





Hi Fauzi, 

Great news, with regards to you new question this could happen is the VM name is different to the Hostname in the OS. But either way you need to share more details on the VM and the CV version etc.


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