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Disk Filter for oVirt Solution

Kamil W
Commvault Certified Expert
  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 83 replies

Hi Guys,


I have a question.


Is any way to filter RDM disks that are added to VM that is a  part of oVirt environment?


The Customer is getting the following error during backup job:



I cannot see any Disk Filter option in Subclient Properties.



BOL doesn’t say anyting about diks filters, too.


Is any way to exclude RDM disk, so the Customer may be sure that the backup of VM is fine?


Anyway, I can see that backup status is Completed with on or more errors.



Does it mean that the VM was completely backed up and only RDM disks were ignored / skipped?




Best answer by Damian Andre

Kamil W wrote:

Many thanks @Shane S . That’s a great news.


Anyway, can anyone confirm that the VM itself is backing up correctly? I do not know what “Completed w/ one or more errors” means in this case.




Yes, it should be. We always complete with errors if we could not capture all the data. This way you know to investigate the job to figure out what was skipped and that there are no surprises at restore time. In this case it is most likely the RDM, but you want to check the job events to make sure.

I did hear from engineering that they are planning to implement the ability to filter disks in various ways for RHEV jobs (and inherently oVirt I believe), but its still 1-2 releases away - but it is coming!

I added you to the request :) 

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Shane S
  • Vaulter
  • 5 replies
  • August 11, 2021


Disk level filtering for RHV (oVirt) is not currently available, however, I was able to confirm this feature is on the product roadmap (CMR 282350) for integration with a future release.


Thank you,


Kamil W
Commvault Certified Expert
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  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 83 replies
  • August 12, 2021

Many thanks @Shane S . That’s a great news.


Anyway, can anyone confirm that the VM itself is backing up correctly? I do not know what “Completed w/ one or more errors” means in this case.




Damian Andre
  • Vaulter
  • 1290 replies
  • Answer
  • August 12, 2021
Kamil W wrote:

Many thanks @Shane S . That’s a great news.


Anyway, can anyone confirm that the VM itself is backing up correctly? I do not know what “Completed w/ one or more errors” means in this case.




Yes, it should be. We always complete with errors if we could not capture all the data. This way you know to investigate the job to figure out what was skipped and that there are no surprises at restore time. In this case it is most likely the RDM, but you want to check the job events to make sure.

I did hear from engineering that they are planning to implement the ability to filter disks in various ways for RHEV jobs (and inherently oVirt I believe), but its still 1-2 releases away - but it is coming!

I added you to the request :) 

Kamil W
Commvault Certified Expert
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  • Commvault Certified Expert
  • 83 replies
  • August 13, 2021

Thanks a lot, guys!





  • Bit
  • 1 reply
  • October 7, 2021

+1 for oVirt disk filtering request, thank you!

Mike Struening

@mns_scd , I’ll get you added as well!

Editing my reply.  It’s not a CMR I can add you to, it’s a form ID (meaning it is checked in code, so beyond the CMR stage) which is great news!


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