I have the following situation:
1 or more Hyper-V clusters (MA + VSA installed on every node)
1 domain service account configured on the Hyper-V instance (Client)
1 media agent server (fysical) not domain joined (with MA, VSA, CommandDevice and Raidmanager installed)
1 Hitachi VSP F700 storage Array with IntelliSnap integration on subclient.
First, the primary snap is doing great.
Second after the snapshot the backup copy must start and mount the snapshot (proxy redirected in the subclient) to the same media agent.
When the discovery starts CommVault tries to login on the media agent server and fails:
“Set pending cause (unable to connect to virtual machine host (mediaagent server) as user (domain\user) Please ensure that the access node is able to communicate with the host and the user en pw is correct :: client (mediaagentserver)”
Now, if I join the mediaagent server to the AD domain the backup copy works, the snapshot is mounted on the mediaagent server and the data is read from the snapshot to the disklibrary.
The media agent works as a remote media proxy server for Intellisnap/Hyper-V
The thing is I don't want to be joined to the domain for hardening reasons.. !!
For example VMware back-up in the same way (with IntelliSnap) does not have this issue which make sence.
Is there limitation or reason why this is not possible with Hyper-V??
And is there a way to work around this?
With Regards, Henk.