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migration vcenter 6.5 to vcenter 7

  • February 14, 2022
  • 3 replies


Hi Community,

i have a question about migrating VM’s from a vcenter 6.5 to a new vcenter server in version 7.

(the esxi and datastore layer still the same).

Because of the migration to a new vcenter, is there a way to avoid duplicate vm name in the commcell (we plan to migrate more than 15000 VM) ? 

kind regards,



Best answer by Aplynx

It depends on which method you are using for the migration, but if you’re simply replacing the existing, you need only update the center name\credentials in the GUI and it will just start looking at the new vcenter.

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3 replies

  • Vaulter
  • 291 replies
  • Answer
  • February 14, 2022

It depends on which method you are using for the migration, but if you’re simply replacing the existing, you need only update the center name\credentials in the GUI and it will just start looking at the new vcenter.

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  • 25 replies
  • February 14, 2022
Aplynx wrote:

It depends on which method you are using for the migration, but if you’re simply replacing the existing, you need only update the center name\credentials in the GUI and it will just start looking at the new vcenter.

Hi Liam,

thanks for your feedback.

i’m in the case of a new vcenter server with re-associating esxi hosts and i can see below in the documentation page your share :

UUIDs and xxxx_1 Clients

When the instance UUID of a virtual machine changes, a duplicate Commvault client is created with a numeric suffix (such as '_1').

The VMX file for a virtual machine stores the instance UUID and the BIOS UUID for the VM, and these UUIDs should not be changed by a migration. After migration a VM should map to the same Commvault client and the migration should not create any '_1' clients.


it look goods but should we have the same behavior if we create new virtualization clients for vcenter 7 ?





  • Vaulter
  • 291 replies
  • February 14, 2022

You don’t need to run a separate VSA unless both the 6 and 7 environments are up and running at the same time and both need to be backed up separately. 

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