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Question on App Aware backups for MYSQL and VM's with VRDM

  • April 21, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hello All,

I am planning to enable the App aware backups for the MySQL database and VM’ which has vRDM. In order to use the intellisnap, Do i need to create a storage array if i m using the native snap engines? 

If i use native snap engine, storage array and snap copy on storage copy will be auto created? 

If i use hardware snapshots then i believe storage array must be created before i enable the intellisnap with correct snap engine

Please correct me and help me to understand the app aware backups (Streaming & Intellisnap)

Best answer by Orazan

App Aware backups are a VSA backup that uses workflows to engage the native VSS writers of an application such as SQL or Exchange to take a metadata snapshot.  The metadata snapshot basically notes where every block of the application data such as a database is.  In a restore situation, this metadata snapshot is used to restore just the desired data from the VSA job without having to restore the entire VM.

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  • Vaulter
  • April 22, 2022

App Aware backups are a VSA backup that uses workflows to engage the native VSS writers of an application such as SQL or Exchange to take a metadata snapshot.  The metadata snapshot basically notes where every block of the application data such as a database is.  In a restore situation, this metadata snapshot is used to restore just the desired data from the VSA job without having to restore the entire VM.

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