I would need assistance to estimate the storage size for backup, as we have nearly 140 + VM’s new servers which need to be backup daily, weekly Full and monthly tape, In order procure the license from commvault i would need to provide the following details but i’m unable to get all the details as i’ve confused between application size, Total VM size, Backup size, when i download the VM’s from vCenter igot all the clients list including VM’s size but when i calculate the total Storage based storage provision space, the toal size is showing nearly 200TB but when i login to each VM and look up for used space hardly 20TB to 30 TB and few VM’s are growing daily nearly 20 GB so in my case which size i should consider and how do i calculate the total capacity and make solution for this??
- Total capacity of data to be protected
- Total capacity of physical data
- Total capacity of virtual machines
- Total VM’s – 220?
- Total Physical – 12?
- Disk retention on both sites