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Unable to Restore full VM from Fusion compute 6.5 to 8.2 version

Hi Team,

We have facing one issue, We are trying to restore one VM from fusion compute 6.5 infra to 8.2 fusion compute infra then we are getting the below error and failed the VM restore job.

“Description : Unable to create a new virtual amchine in host, Failed to parse the OVF file, Ensure that the OVF file format is correct”

Please help on the above issue

VM deatils

Windows 2008

Restore from Fusion compute 6.5 infra to Fusion compute 8.2 

Hi @Adarsh.op,

Which feature/maintenance release are you running? A few of these sorts of issues were fixed last year and I’m wondering if you could be missing some updates.

Hi Damian,


Thanks for your reply,


We are currently using 11.28.24 version using in our infra

We can able to backup the Fusion compute 6.5 VM ,but while try to restore this VM to fusion compute 8.2.0 its getiing error and failed the restore jobs.

this is windows 2008 server


Got it. I would definitely try apply the latest maintenance release (11.28.56) to the VSA’s involved in the backup and recovery to 8.2 and see if it helps. The error was addressed in a couple of updates - I don't know if it would apply to your situation specifically but its a good place to start. If it does not, I would open a support case to check further, as they will need to review the logs for this one.!/130/657?fl=%7B%22qfType%22:1,%22qfVal%22:%2211.28%22%7D
