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When the backup copy of ec2 instances ran on some regions, I get this error message.


Error Code: "32:392]
Description: Failed to map snapshot to host. : :Instance Restore failed - Errr0xFFFFFFFF:{AmazonAPIEBS::VerifyRESTResponse(1375)/ErrNo.-1.(Unknown error)-Could not create Amazon EBS volume. Error:rYou have exceeded your maximum io2 IOPS limit of 100000 IOPS in this region. Please contact AWS Support to request an Elastic Block Store service limit increase.]}]]
Source: mymediaagent01, Process: vsbkp


I have set a limit on media agents with commvault support 3 months ago to avoid this error message :

nAWSBackupVolumeMaxIOPS 3100
bAllowAWSModifyBackupVolume 0


All was fine until today.



I want to avoid to increase the IOPS region limit from AWS side.

Thanks and Happy New Year! 



Hi @Bloopa !

I found the following in one of our cases (I know you wanted to avoid item 3, though I’m listening it for completion’s sake):

1. Change the subclient content to make sure that not more than 10 disks are being backed up at the same time.

2. Disable the Volume optimization by using the below reg key and set the value to 0

3. Check with Amazon to increase the IOPS quota.

Let me know if this helps!
