We are trying to add mysql instance, but both cvpysdk and API failed to do so.
For cvpysdk i opened github issue, but not sure it’s actively maintained?
For API, using this page and example values:
curl -k -L -X POST 'https://commsrv/commandcenter/api/Instance' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer [...]' \
--data-raw '{
"instanceProperties": {
"instance": {
"instanceName": "aymasterr_3306",
"applicationId": 104,
"clientId": 461,
"clientName": "a-o0"
"mySqlInstance": {
"BinaryDirectory": "/usr/bin",
"LogDataDirectory": "/var/lib/mysql",
"ConfigFile": "/etc/my.cnf",
"port": "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock",
"EnableAutoDiscovery": true,
"SAUser": {
"userName": "root",
"password": "cm9vdAo"
"proxySettings": {
"isProxyEnabled": false,
"proxyInstance": {
"instanceId": 0
"isUseSSL": false,
"runBackupOnProxy": false
"xtraBackupSettings": {
"enableXtraBackup": true,
"xtraBackupBinPath": "/usr/bin"
"mebSettings": {
"enableMEB": false
"sslEnabled": false
"planEntity": {
"planId": 8
Request body is empty or format is invalid.
Webserver.log (debug=10):
15316 281 05/24 11:01:21 281 <validator> - Verifying Instance.CreateInstance arguments.
15316 281 05/24 11:01:21 281 <validator> - Instance.CreateInstance expects parameter 'CreateInstanceRequest req' value not to be null. Response status code set to BadRequest(400)
15316 281 05/24 11:01:21 281Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing [POST]:[/CVWebService.svc/Instance] in [12] ms; HTTP code 'BadRequest' Out : (empty)
15316 246 05/24 11:01:21 246 SessionGuid - Token type is [Bearer]
We are not able to figure our which values are missing and we’d love to see more clear debug output.
Version is 11.32.54