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I have tried the Powershell CLI to rename a client name as described in the documentation:

There is no error, but nothing is changing:

errorCode entity                                                             
--------- ------                                                             
        0 @{clientId=925; clientName=OldClientname; instanceId=160; _type_=3}

I have seen, that there is also an open issue at github for this:

When I try the WhatIf flag I get the same error as shown at github
INFO: Set-CVClient: set client properties request failed for group Iclientname]"

Is it working for someone or is someone working on that issue?

Thank you

@DoRay - Based on the details in github it appears that the client name change is not support. Although, you do have the ability to change the display name using the following example. I’ll follow up internally to validate and request documentation change if client name change is not supported.


$clientProps = Get-CVClient -Name 'carbonwincs1' -AllProperties
PS C:\>$clientProps.client.displayName='carbonwincs1-1'
PS C:\>$clientProps.client.clientDescription = 'carbonwincs1-1 description modified with REST API Post request'
PS C:\>$clientProps | Set-CVClient -Name 'carbonwincs1' -Force


@NVFD411 Thank you for your answer. To change the display name was my plan.

Your example is working.
