Hello all, is anyone using the Powershell SDK v2? I see it hasn’t been touched since initial commit, is this still a thing? I really like the v1 and wanted to see what else is now available in v2. https://github.com/Commvault/CVPowershellSDKV2
The documentation is scarce at best and CV docs still references SDK v1 which is not the same as v2. From the github page it just says to use Invoke-SetupLogin, which I am able to connect and get a token. But then how do I use the cmdlets at that point? When I run a command afterwards I just get “Unauthorized” In v1 once you run connect-CVServer, you can run any commands against the currently logged in Commcell.
I really think this PS module is a great thing and hope it is still being developed. The API is nice but the PS code is much easier to use and less code involved.
Thanks for any details!