We have a situation and/or I rather have a question in relations to FR20. After upgrading one of our commcells to FR20 with SP 32..half of our automation which is based on API calls started to fail and stopped working, meaning that some queries are passing through and API call works, but most of them do not work. I’ve tried to look through release notes of FR20 but did not find anything about such scenario and did not find anything in known issues of it.
Anyone aware of any similar cases where after upgrade, the API calls stopped working and have there been any changes to API itself, possibly it’s structure or how it is called?. I do have a suspicion that it might possibly be due to different versions of commcells? Because that upgraded comcell is impacting some queries to non-upgraded commcell as well.
Variable job_request is ‘http://comcell:81/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/ExecuteQCommand’
so it sends command in variable data "command=qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary -si @LastNDays='7'".
def get_commvault_clients(self):
commvault_clients = []
for api in self.api_url:
jobs_request = api['url'] + 'ExecuteQCommand'
jobs_response = requests.post(jobs_request, headers = api['headers'], timeout = 1800, data = "command=qoperation execscript -sn QS_DataProtectionJobSummary -si @LastNDays='7'")
if jobs_response.status_code == 200:
jobs = jobs_response.json()
for i in jobs['ExecScriptOutput']['FieldValue']:
if i['@Agent'] == 'Virtual Server':
vmname = i['@VM'].split("_")[0]
elif i['@Agent'] == 'Virtual Server' and i['@VM'] == 'N/A':
return commvault_clients
So the above example will not return any output, except internal error 500 response from that API call when we are querying the commcell which has been upgraded to FR20. If I run this query against a commcell which is still at v11SP16 – it works.