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We have a bunch of older VM backups, where we only have some full backups left, like yearly and monthly backups.

We would like to create a script that shows us the available restore points to do some calculations on them.


Can anyone help me to find the available restore points via the Rest-API ?

Thanks in advance, Maurice

This gets all jobs associated with a VM and may be what you are looking for:


You need to provide the VM GUID - I think the UUID in this request provides that:

Thank you Damian,


It was some work as the documentation is not complete, but I managed… I tried this before, but it was showing me only a few recent jobs, but now I have (I hope) a complete list:




  • completedJobLookupTime=1000000000 to see older jobs, I could not find the max number yet, but 1 extra 0 makes that nothing is found.
  • showAgedJobs=false to avoid that you see aged jobs.
  • jobTypeList=14 to only see Synthetic Full backups. The number was found here: POST Jobs | Commvault®️

Then from the results you can check on jobs.jobSummary.retainUntil

  • Monthly and yearly backups have a number what corresponds with the amount of days.
  • Synth fulls from daily backups contain an epoch timestamp


Is there a way to be sure that you see all jobs? Or what is the max that completedJobLookupTime can be?


Thanks, Maurice
