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Rest API | unable to disable a schedule via Python

  • 12 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello Community ,


CV references :


the above screenshot is CV sample POST request to disable schedule job and I want to be able run this specific POST Request via Python so I can do more personalization on it/more control on it (e.g. run multiple taskid at one shot, output pre/post result, etc...):


1- Issue Description:

I'm using this script to make a POST request to the Commvault disable schedule API. in this case, I want to pass the plain text (taskId = 125918)   as a variable so I can use it in the script, and can't make the POST request with this plain text that highlighted in the above sample screenshot(taskId= 451).

taskId = 0
task = {(taskId, 'text/plain') : 125918}
r2 =, data = task, headers=headers)


2- what have been tried:

#1 " tried below script and gave an error : file "string", line unknown paraseError: no element found: line 1, coilmun 0

taskId = 0
task = {taskId : 125918}
r2 =, data = task, headers=headers)


3- How to make CV API request using the plain text as a variable in Python ?

variable before the script, and I want to use this plain text variable in the POST request

taskId = 125918




*********Full script*************

import requests

import sys

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET


service = 'http://<<server>>:81/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/'

server = "cs_NAME"

service = service.replace("<<server>>", server)

user = "Username"

loginReq = '<DM2ContentIndexing_CheckCredentialReq mode="Webconsole" username="<<username>>" password="<<password>>" />'

loginReq = loginReq.replace("<<username>>", user)   

pwd = "base64_encoded_password "

loginReq = loginReq.replace("<<password>>", pwd)


## 1. Login to CV service ###

r = + 'Login', data=loginReq)

token = None

if r.status_code == 200:

    root = ET.fromstring(r.text)

    if 'token' in root.attrib:

        token = root.attrib 'token']

        print("Login Successful")


        print("Login Failed")



    print('there was an error logging in')

####### 2. disable schedule for the taskId #######

headers = {'Cookie2': token}

DisableSchedule = service + "Schedules/task/Action/Disable"

taskId = 0
task = {taskId : 125918}
r2 =, data = task, headers=headers)

clientResp2 = r2.text

li2 = ET.fromstring(clientResp2)

for schName in li2.findall(".//subTasks/subTask"):   

    print("Schedule Name: " + schName.attrib>"subTaskName"])


for ScheStatus in li2.findall(".//taskFlags"):

           if int(ScheStatus.attriba"disabled"]) == 0:           

              print("Schedule is enabled and value is: " + ScheStatus.attrib "disabled"])


              print("Schedule is disabled and value is: " + ScheStatus.attrib "disabled"])




1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

use 'payload' in request body and it works now :

payload = "taskId=125918"
r2 = requests.request("POST",DisableSchedule, headers=headers, data = payload )
